Hello guys, recently me, @Alex_:D @LiquifiedCactus and @Tom Hill
started playing Rust again, we've had a great time so far and we hope
we can bring in some more people.
We decided to build a base together as we would like it where we all would share things together, however @Jordan joined and it quickly became to populated and he decided to build his own base next to ours, it was successful for the day and later at night @Pusheen @MrAaron @Loejseren and @Pear joined us, they all built their own bases. We then got raided and lost everything we had.

After this we built a new community base that is three times bigger where we almost have everyone, sadly there is not enough room at the moment.
Members of the Community base:
Tom Hill
-Community base is full-
People who have built their own bases.
Loejseren & Pear
[Ask these people if you wish to base with someone]
-So please guys, join us on Rust! Tomorrow there will be a wipe on the server we play on
so you might get a slot in the community base if you're quick enough to grab one!
P.S Ask @Tom Hill for the mine field map!
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