Saving's Account w/ some updates


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United Kingdom
Discussion Post:

Main Idea: Add an option to open a savings account within the bank.

Full description of the idea: You are able to go to the bank, and/or use the banking app to open a savings account in which you are able to set a goal of a certain amount of money, you may deposit as much or as little into the acocunt, but can not withdraw any money from that account until you have reached the goal.

A player can open a savings account in which he/she is allowed to deposit money into that account until a certain goal is achieved. For example if you were to open an account with a goal of 1 million dollars, and you have already deposited 500k into that account, you will not be able to withdraw that 500k, you will HAVE to reach 1million in that account before any withdrawals can be made.

Why should it be added?: It is going to help a lot of people save money, ecsspecialy to a certain amount in which they can purchase a new car etc.
Pros: Will help people save money, will stop people wasting money, another realistic aspect to the server.

Cons: Cant think of any.

*Other additions: People have suggested the following;
- Interest rate on the money you put in (@Imperial Watch (i believe)).
- Being able to take the money out if you get below a certain amount in your normal bank (@FatGeorge)

Will add more as more people comment.

*Images: N/A

Copied and pasted from @FatGeorge's one. I believe enough discussion has been said for it to be turned into an actual suggestion.
Credit to @FatGeorge
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I like this idea, it'd be very helpful for those people who have a problem with gambling and getting scammed by @Super_ or in general just spending too much money. :booty:
I brought some wins back for the boys, scammed the Indian out of 400k @Super_

View attachment 3868
You know you’ll probably bet it and lose it all in the next few days :booty:

Getting on topic here, this does appear to be a great idea to help players manage their money on the server so that they don’t unnecessarily spend it (such as feeding a gambling addiction caused by my casino:kappa:) and focus on saving their money on worthwhile investments such as cars, firearms, materials, etc. through being unable to access the savings account until the goal/criteria has been met.

While the savings being inaccessible until a specific goal has been reached is a great idea, I do believe that there should be circumstances where the money is accessible despite not having achieved the set goal. For example, if a player’s main bank balance falls below a specific value such as $50k, then the player should be allowed the option to access the savings to withdraw all/some of savings so that they are deposited back in the player’s bank balance.

Overall, I am quite in favour of seeing this being added to the server and can be beneficial to most players who struggle to manage their money and want an alternative way of saving up. Best of luck with the idea!
You know you’ll probably bet it and lose it all in the next few days :booty:

Getting on topic here, this does appear to be a great idea to help players manage their money on the server so that they don’t unnecessarily spend it (such as feeding a gambling addiction caused by my casino :kappa: ) and focus on saving their money on worthwhile investments such as cars, firearms, materials, etc. through being unable to access the savings account until the goal/criteria has been met.

While the savings being inaccessible until a specific goal has been reached is a great idea, I do believe that there should be circumstances where the money is accessible despite not having achieved the set goal. For example, if a player’s main bank balance falls below a specific value such as $50k, then the player should be allowed the option to access the savings to withdraw all/some of savings so that they are deposited back in the player’s bank balance.

Overall, I am quite in favour of seeing this being added to the server and can be beneficial to most players who struggle to manage their money and want an alternative way of saving up. Best of luck with the idea!

I was saving up for a car, I was betting at your shop and thought I was doing good, ngl got like 30k up and then I lost it all and went to 1mil when I was betting 50k. Then I can finally save up for a car and not worry about trying to spend it and not trying to change my choice on vehicles pmsl
Why you being such a top class cunt?

You do have a point though, it should be easier to save money off your own back. But at the end of the day for people who don't have the skill of managing money properly it would be a good feature.

If you are gonna add a savings account you might as well make an Investment ISA while you are at it.
This could bring up a issue that I just realized about the interest system, how will the money add up? Is it while you're offline or while you're in-game and playing? Because someone that never plays can just deposit all of his money and come back at a later time with tons of money at his/her hand which is easy to do if you have patience and don't play a lot. If you do it while you're in-game then you will need some time to play which could also mean the server could get filled up with people just sitting around AFK (or just grow). I read that Imperial already mentioned this in the previous OP while writing this but I'm bringing this up again so we can address it.

Either way, the idea is good for people that can't stop spending their money (e.g on Super's casino) but at the same time I want to keep seeing shit where people do shitty choices to waste their money. It's not hard to keep your money, get a hold of yourself. A fool and his money are easily seperated.
imagine being unable to manage virtual money XD

besides even if you had "interest", not much would change in terms of player economy as just everybody will gain a small % of money assuming that most people end up using a "saving's account", so the rate at which people gain money yet again increases which is already stupidly easy.

also new players might end up accidentally placing their money into a saving's account and then get fucked over because they don't know how it fully works.
Why you being such a top class cunt?

You do have a point though, it should be easier to save money off your own back. But at the end of the day for people who don't have the skill of managing money properly it would be a good feature.

If you are gonna add a savings account you might as well make an Investment ISA while you are at it.

Because it's what I do hun so

Thank you for actually adressing the issue I raised tho

It's really not that hard to manage money on perp tho, it's not like you have bills or mortgages to pay. If people genuinely can't save up they probably can't be trusted to drive whatever super car they are dribbling over
What's the point of this aids just learn some money management skills

All I hear is wahhh wahh papa tinyslayer I'm too incompetent and mentally incapable of saving money for myself
This is troll to troll speak; you're fucking petty

trying to bring real world mental problems into a virtual server to explain why an idea that in no way benefits people with said mental problems in any way is possibly the most hypocritical thing to follow up with "think before you speak" dont you think

It affects people in the same way, because some people on here cant help but spend their money on gambling. Plus, how can one gamble money that they dont have access to until a certain point where they can spend it on something that matters.

I literally saw someone's bank account get cleaned out today by @Super_ in his gambling shop, this just means that working towards something is easier and removes temptation to either spend it on useless stuff or gamble it all away.
oh sorry mr popular go commit toaster burn, You washed up years ago back when anyone knew who you were.

hey dont tell people to go commit roof jump thats against the ethos!

also can we please focus on the suggestion at hand i feel we are getting a little sidetracked thanks to some reprobate bullying me!

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