Server Suggestion Savings accounts/interest rates

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Suggestion Title: Savings accounts/interest rates
Suggestion Description: Being able to open a second account to allocate money for saving, and maybe have interest rates?

Why should this be added?:
- Can be hard to save sometimes, especially now there is a casino.

What negatives could this have?:
- Don't really see any if i'm honest.
I love this idea, would like to see if you could speak to the bank and allocate a % of money from your paychecks to be put in the saving account, maybe make it so you can speak with the bank and not allow yourself to touch the money until a certain time or even only be able to take out a certain amount (of your choosing) every day/week
I think if this did get added there should be a little risk to it.
With putting money in the savings account if someone robs the bank a fraction off ur money will be took,
this would be brilliant IF the mayor could adjust the interest rates to be lower or higher
and if this was available to VIP players only as a incentive
If this gets accepted, a lot of balancing work will has to be done. It would also be realistic to add costs for your saving accounts, seeing as irl this also costs money. Adding the risk of part of it dissapearing due to a bank robbery is a good idea, however just like irl we should set a limit to this happening, make sure a certain amount of money is insured.
If this gets accepted, a lot of balancing work will has to be done. It would also be realistic to add costs for your saving accounts, seeing as irl this also costs money. Adding the risk of part of it dissapearing due to a bank robbery is a good idea, however just like irl we should set a limit to this happening, make sure a certain amount of money is insured.
but surley if people have something to loose by the bank being robbed wouldn't that make them able to literally go into the bank and kill the raiders or no ??
I think if this did get added there should be a little risk to it.
With putting money in the savings account if someone robs the bank a fraction off ur money will be took,
Then that gives people incentive to run into the bank with an M4 attempting to be vigilantes.
What is the point of adding this to the server, and then also adding 'balancing'. It isnt a real difference then either having it on your own bank, your org bank and only give yourself access, or to add this (not being negative towards the suggestion, but I mean that if a risk is added, its useless and peoples own banks will be the only ones touched anyway). If you do add this it would be useless to add a way to lose money.

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