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Cup Master

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Cup_master / Charle Dynasty

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sean / ToeRag2k6

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_1:0:165899023 / STEAM_1:1:102767676

Why Should This Player Be Punished?: They broke nlr to grab their pistol when I killed them


Btw when I was standing on the side it said 'Close to nlr zone" so I back off and then I see sean go towards his death and admitted it on chat and his boy went around to grab the pistol

I have proof of killing him and then he said in ooc "My whole org knows your name you're on the kos list"
Also said that I was hacking in the shootout
Show the bit where you pick up the guns in your nlr zone after you bleeding out then? the second video, the min before the start, i want to see it all, i guarantee you ran back through regals grabbed your van at chruch and grabbed 2 guns or stored them before bleeding out, both against rules as you didnt clear the area in time.
would love to see from you respawning to me pulling up please, if you are the mr innocent you claim to be.
I mean the last 3 secs of the first video shows you storing your gun before you die and trying to run back to get the rest of them?
also my nlr was over when i entered the area
You guys been playing more than me you should be setting example for me to show me what's wrong and what's good
I didn't say anything toxic in ooc rather the fact saying you're getting an ar unless I get that pistol back I guess that pistol was worth much more than a ban
Blackmailing over a gun either of us could have got, i didnt pick anything up until my nlr was over. Please show me the demo from when you started shooting and from when you respawned and ran directly back to storage
Yes I did I thought I had made bandages but I didn't so I stored my gun but the rest were still there
Plus his boy is lying the fact that he went around the whole area to grab the guns so I cannot see him
I was told by an admin as long as there's no threat you can store so I dont see anything wrong
There was quite an evident threat to your life, you were bleeding out.
From my point of view I died then respawned @Ezza resapawned a few secs later we had a quick recap of what happened when we seen @Cup Master sprinting away from spawn we then said she might try and get the guns so we went to the garage got cars I came from the subs big houses made sure not to get the nlr warning when I got there @Cup Master was already standing there right were they died (neither did I get an nlr waring nor interact with the area untill my nlr was done) when it was done cup master was gone I went over and all that was left was @Ezza gun 2 guns were gone I would like @Cup Master to provide the full demo and we can see what really happened
also me and @Ezza were using org chat and there was 2 other members online that could of easily showed up so the treat to his life was not over
@Cup Master This is the second time you said that you were new to go easy on you for not knowing the rules even though your playing since 2017?

Ezza evidently went over to where he died to check if the guns were still there, however @Cup Master picked up and stored a weapon while he was bleeding to death and therefore his life was still at risk. From what i can see in the logs cup master didn't take anymore guns from after he died and Ezza retrieved his weapon just after his NLR timer expired.

Both users will receive a punishment.
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