Police Suggestion Semi-Permanent Callsigns

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Brief description of idea: Change the callsigns for the Police Department to be more informative and somewhat permanent

  • PD01 [Papa Delta 01] A standard patrol officer
  • PS1 [Papa Sierra 01] A patrol supervisor
  • PC1 [Papa Charlie 01] A patrol command member

  • TR01 [Tango Romeo 01] A standard traffic officer
  • TQ01 [Tango Quebec 01] Unmarked Traffic Officer
  • TS1 [Tango Sierra 01] A traffic supervisor
  • TC1 [Tango Charlie 01] A traffic command member

  • FU01 [Foxtrot Uniform 01] A standard firearms officer
  • FS1 [Foxtrot Sierra 01] A firearms supervisor
  • FC1 [Foxtrot Charlie 01] A firearms command member

Unit Numbers:
  • This suggestion may party rely on bringing back the sections system properly, unless unit numbers are handled differently
  • For example: TR23 relates to a traffic officer in section 2, position 3 within that section.
  • Another example: PS1 relates to a patrol supervisor responsible for managing section 1.
  • Another example: FC1 relates to the captain of firearms whereas FC2 relates to the lieutenant of firearms.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
  • It is easy to identify what resources you have based on call-sign

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
  • A considerable amount of work for something not majorly beneficial

Other additions:
  • Supervisors can set custom callsigns ABC123
I dont see how you need to learn them when the callsign literally says what kind of unit they are. It is pretty clear TS [Tango Sierra] would mean Traffic Supervisor. These should also be automatically assigned so will be used and will not be useless.
@Lucius Husky I really struggle to see how you would need to look it up every time if TR is literally TRAFFIC but shortened.
Would be cool to see this for a bit more realism to the PLPD that we are using the appropriate call signs which are really used,The only thing is like you address it would be a decent amount of work for something which officers unfortunately may not use.

I like the suggestion my only thinking is if it will be utilised correctly by officers.
Got to admit this seems like something I would like to see in the PD. I think it would make it more realistic.
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