SenlinGames AKA Robin Should not be Enforcer

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Dat Ass
So I was talking to Robin, I fear to state this... He is Bipolar

​[PH] Black Jesus: Check you Enforcer app m8
SenlinGames: Ok
SenlinGames: Thank you sooo much :D
[PH] Black Jesus: :*
[PH] Black Jesus: wut u playin
SenlinGames: A different perp server
SenlinGames: Quite good actually
[PH] Black Jesus: good?
[PH] Black Jesus: How much content?
SenlinGames: A lot
[PH] Black Jesus: Whats different from our one?
SenlinGames: A lot
SenlinGames: Too much to explain
[PH] Black Jesus: Give me exampz or imam h8 on yer app
[PH] Black Jesus: :O
[PH] Black Jesus: New car on PERP
[PH] Black Jesus: CARS*
[PH] Black Jesus: HOLY
[PH] Black Jesus: NIGGER
[PH] Black Jesus: *excuse the racism
SenlinGames: k bitch
[PH] Black Jesus: lel
SenlinGames: That was BelgLmfao
SenlinGames: nol el
SenlinGames: lneol
SenlinGames: nASo
SenlinGames: TOP nao
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *realized whats Happening* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[PH] Black Jesus: TAKIN
[PH] Black Jesus: TO
[PH] Black Jesus: BELG
SenlinGames: BELG STOP
[PH] Black Jesus: HE MY WIFE
SenlinGames: ssst
SenlinGames: your not my man
[PH] Black Jesus: D:
SenlinGames: You're now talking to Bel
SenlinGames: belg
[PH] Black Jesus: [PH] Black Jesus: Lol
BelgLmfao: yeah i did that :p
[PH] Black Jesus: xD
[PH] Black Jesus: u still h4xed
[PH] Black Jesus: lel
SenlinGames: lel
SenlinGames: He's not hacking
SenlinGames: yesh i am
[PH] Black Jesus: he is
SenlinGames: STOP
[PH] Black Jesus: LOL
[PH] Black Jesus: XD
SenlinGames: lol
SenlinGames: robin dirty liar
SenlinGames: No:(
[PH] Black Jesus: I can't stop lolling
SenlinGames: im not
[PH] Black Jesus: XD
SenlinGames: xD
SenlinGames: i took his brain
SenlinGames: fuck yu
[PH] Black Jesus: Lol
[PH] Black Jesus: u haz downsyndrome
SenlinGames: lol
SenlinGames: xD
[PH] Black Jesus: gonna post diz on ze forumz
SenlinGames: he haz 2 personalities
[PH] Black Jesus: BIPOLAR
SenlinGames: o.O
Let me get this clear... Me and BelgLmfao were on TeamViewer which enables him to access things on my computer. The reason we were doing this is a long story. He then decided to talk to '[PH] Black Jesus'. It then turned out to be a 'comedy' so 'Black Jesus' posted it here.

I DO NOT have dissociative identity disorder.
This is me right now.


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