Server Ban Request On Sparkles/Benneth Divense

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Steam: [PH] Daniel In game: Daniel Stuart

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Steam: Sparkles In game: Benneth Divense

His/Her SteamID: I can't find his profile, need some help there.

Why Should This Player Be Punished: As shown in the demo, he called the police on our whole organization and betrayed us, we got arrested and I swore to kill him, once we were released, I pushed him, he turned around and punched me and ran into the PD screaming "This man is trying to kill me". I told the officer that I didn't and he let me go.
I walked away eventually toward the city hall, where suddenly I started getting hit by something repeatedly, I turned around and he had become a cop and started hitting me with his night stick, he ran back into the PD and resigned from cop.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick:20800-24000 (Somewhere near that :P) (FURTHER THAN THAT IS AN ADMIN SIT)

Also, as you can see in the admin sit at 30000, he claims i'm a liar. I am aware I broke 1.1 during that sit, and I sincerely apologize.
Well, nothing apart from him abusing his nightstick sounds like breaking a rule here... but it's still not a good thing. I'm supporting a warning.
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