Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: draftking-mitch johnsen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:the drunken dane dimitry brazinski
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20840312

Reason: he started helping an officer with an presuit then my friend got chased by the cop on foot i took out my gun too shoot the officer. then dimitri gets out his gun and starts shooting at me (RDM) he was saying in the admin sit that i gunpointed him but i watched the demo spectated a bit around and didnt see me gun pointing him. he also added me on steam after that i posted the ban request with things like :
The Drunken Dane: please also remove the demo link, or else the admins ae gonna ban me anyways for breaking the rules

The Drunken Dane: so if i give u that sniper, u will close the topic? and everything is fine?

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The fact that he contacts you through the steam chat with what he said proves that he knows damn well what he did wrong.

But then my question is: why did he do it even though he knows he is wrong?
Is he intentionally breaking rules? I don't get it...

I would like to know his side of the story, but that will be more clear once he replies on this request.

If he does not reply with a very good reason, (which I doubt he has) then I support this request.

Addition: check your demo, I believe you messed up somewhere xD
The guy shouldn't have acted as if he was police and risk his life.
I must also note that the guy did have the right to protect the officer by shooting you in that particular situation. (Law 7.2)

Denied and closed
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