Server discussion: Is being shot unarmed by raiders really a massive fuss?

You get raided but cant pull your gun on time, would you rather

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Is being shot by raiders whilst you're unarmed or when you "aReNt pOsInG a tHrEaT" really a huge fuss?

What happens when raiders don't shoot you is they mug you, meaning if you had a gun on you, you'd lose it anyways probably. So like really you'd still lose your shit.

But on the other hand, this is a roleplay server so blatantly PVPing people when they aren't fighting back isn't really very good roleplay at all!

Whats your opinion? Is reporting people for shooting you instantly during a raid a valiant act of stopping rulebreaks, or another example of the report and AR functions being the server populations primary weapon?​
Buddy if you're growing drugs in an environment where everyone is reasonably expected to be armed at all times you shouldn't cry if you get shot if you're unarmed. It's like if i were to scream allahu akbar in a bank, proceed to take of my coat and then complain i'm not carrying a weapon when the security guard tackles me.

You board your windows, clearly you don't want the neighbours wanting to see anything. there's fancy cars infront of a shitty appartment building. Guns are always involved in these levels of crime. Being unarmed is just a toxic excuse to make an AR on whoever is raiding you, or buys you time so the cops do the dirty work for you. raiding and shooting is the core part of this game. not /me drops items.