Discussion: should serial killing be allowed?

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Should it be allowed to partake in serial killings? Not blatant massRDM but cleverly planned attacks and murders on people with minor aggravating factors like org involvement, drug Habits, hanging round the forest or other secluded areas at night, etc.?

Like if you bait people and the likes. As long as players aren’t losing anything other than 5 mins and it’s being done realistically when the victim has somewhat of an opportunity to not be in the situation that got them killed.

Also as long as you aren’t going round in public in the city or something populated blatantly shooting or stabbing people I think it could be okay.

It creates roleplay but overall is pretty not allowed due to the whole “killing people for no reason” aspect.

What do you think? I’m on the fence. Personally investigating any other murder that wasn’t gang related on PERP would be a breath of fresh air for criminal investigation RP.​
Pretty sure you already can do this if you have a valid enough reason, go pay someone to kill someone if you have a valid enough reason lol
If you have a reason to kill someone under 2.5 then you have a reason to pay someone else to do it. If the money offered exceeds the risk of a 10k ticket I see no reason calling and taking hits would be remotely against the rules.
It just gets a little out of hand when people like @Adrish are placing random hits and the individual carrying it out suffers.
Me and Eddy Eman did this in game and it worked out pretty nice, I earned about 100K from him doing quick hits on the people who had kidnapped him.
@Dr. Dräjj You could always just create an organization for that, but you'd have to make it discrete on the orgs page i guess, but I doubt a hitman job is needed, you can just do it as civilian this isn't darkrp!
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