Setting a new Precident: the bleeding Conundrum

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Howdey. I'm Nathanial.

Now I'd like to take the time to discuss what I'm talking about, and set some things aside,

First. the arguement I am making is removing the preceident set by Ayjay and multiple admins that When a raid has concluded the wounded or bleeding cannot store there firearms,

Second: Though my history and experience on this server might vary I still feel as though this is a basic issue of contradictory logic then anything else.

Three: This is not aimed or meant to insult, Belittle, or Insult anyone. more Suggest we get staff to revoke the precident set on the idea of bleeding out and firearm storage.

I'll label out the 2 Arguements I've heard in this instance.

1: "Your bleeding. that means your lifes in immediate danger" In that situation you'd access storage to attempt to save your life, or put valuables away for safekeeping. this precident contradicts 2.1 in which it requests the player act according to rules of combat instead of how a criminal or person engaged in a firefight would act.

not only this but it means they are following rule 3.3 to a Tee but attempting to limit the amount of harm there bleeding out might induce.

2: "Other people might be involved and you just don't know" Now this is a arguement only made by Raiders who, a lot of the time have no friends or allies, but feel like they are able to beat him to the objects at risk and recoup any losses attained or something else I personally believe is malicious in nature. this arguement is based entirely on conjecture. we have, and cannot have. any idea how many people are involved in a raid. however if after a few minutes nothing has happened and no combat RP is taking place I believe its more then acceptable to assume the raid has concluded. and of course you'd start to access your storage to put shit away as your no longer in combat and look for medical supplies. using this instance we can say that looking in storage to get bandages is violating this precident set on the rule, as they should be looking for bandages and not entering storage after the raid was done.

I currently 100% believe that this Arguement and punishments handed out using this arguement. are completley and utterly ridiculous. and that the only people who make them are people who know they will directly benefit themselves. this is a precident that I feel is not increasing the servers quality of life. and is malicious and despicable in its application.
Hello Nathaniel,

It seems like you have some issues understanding this rule properly. While your life is at danger, you may not store valuable items that you would drop from your person upon death and/or search/mug.
This is explained in the rule 3.18, which outlines the following:


I disagree with the fact that you've been informed by a staff member or even indicated by a staff member that you can't take items OUT of your storage, like bandages, as I doubt this is true in the situation you are claiming to have happened. As long as you don't store any valuables defined in the rule and explanation above, you should be good.

Unfortunately, what you are saying in the remainder of your post is against the general server rules, rather than a matter of staff discretion, as defined by rule 3.18 above. I suggest you edit your thread to completely change and/or edit rule 3.18, as it's a rule on its own rather than opinion of a single staff member.

Next time, feel free to post in the Rules Discussion sub-forum.
Only because when you were raided you and your friend stored your guns when you were gonna die cus you had no bandages left cmon stop being so mad
True. sadly it just seems like a bitter rule I don't much enjoy. however I understand where you coming from and accept its Implication.
In that situation you'd access storage to attempt to save your life, or put valuables away for safekeeping.
The thing about storage boxes is that they transcend your death. The ability to store items when your life is at risk would lower a player's incentive to live as the risk of losing any valuable items is lost. An In-Character death is supposed to be consequential, if you're not prepared to lose the weapon you are defending with I'd suggest you invest in bandages and stimpacks to lower the chances of your death and increase your chances of keeping your gun that you seem to value so much more than your life. (Which is understandable from an OOC perspective, I am sure everyone can agree.)

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