Shorten Crafting time

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Topic: Shorten the crafting time somehow, atleast on simple stuff like rifle ammo.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Somehow shorten the crafting time for manufacturing weaponry and ammo.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I'm tired of spending 30 minutes crafting 20 rifle ammo... It's quite hard for me to have a shop when some guy wants to buy 10 boxes of ammo and then I need to spend another 15 minutes crafting 10 more, like getting the materials and paying for them isn't enough.

Also quite hard for me to live my dream as a gundealer and buy the huge marketplace and have a selection of every gun ingame when it takes this long time to craft. I understand the script is implemented to give some kind of real-life time feeling, and that it actually requires time in real life, but they don't have a single guy making a whole gunshop. And you can't trust enough people to make a gun factory like in real life.

Whatever the outcome is, I do not think it's THAT big of a problem with guns, although I'd like to see it shortened anyway. But a problem is the rifle ammo time. It just takes too long to craft a single box of rifle ammo, and they're really common, everyone needs them.

Optional additions:
- Maybe just make the timer on the different things shorter, so that the green percentage bar goes a lot faster when crafting weaponry and ammo. It should also be logical that when you reached a high firearms level, you will manufacture items faster.
It's shorter for drugs, etc. We don't need it shorter because irl crafting wouldn't be a short process as it takes time to get all of the materials together. You're quite lucky to have this crafting speed now, really. Also, as Shaun stated, they recently lowered the crafting time as well.
-support it wont be like in real life [its already kinda isnt becuz the crafting time are fast].
Just try crafting before the shortening of the crafting time already. It used to be 40 minutes for sniper ammo, now it's a minute
Mate, its already fast as hell.
Did you even try to have a gunshop selling rifle ammo? It takes ages to make it.

Also IRL, you would be able to entrust people with a job in a gun factory, and that way manufacturing weaponry a lot faster despite that the crafting time IRL is a lot more slower.

That's not the case in perp. Too much of a hassle, scammers, thieves, all that.

I didn't know sniper ammo tend to take 40 minutes to make, and that's also insane and dumb. It just can't be true I need to sit for ages making magazines and ammo to have a decent and realisticly shop, that being not only have a selection of 3 guns and 10 boxes of ammo.
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I can already get myself 4 giant pots of drugs in front of me in about 20 seconds, I don't think we need to reduce it to be honest, and gun crafting times are a bit more realistic in that aspect, I don't think I could imagine someone (regardless of their experience) crafting a working, sturdy and ready-to-use firearm faster than you can currently.
I've always been all for the increasing of crafting time but for now to be honest it's really really low so I see absolutely no need for this, I've been in the discussion with other staff members and members of the community before where we've all agreed to that the crafting time WAS to high and really annoying, Sdac (I think) made a suggestion where I put my point down about for example an m16, under what was it? 4 minutes soldiers are expected to put together an M16 ( Can't really remember the story )

But right now it's perfect, like @Sir CaptainSpaghetti already stated you can get 4 giant pots infront of you in about 20 seconds, and right now I feel that the crafting system isn't really working that well, I would like another system for the crafting but not lower crafting time

TL;DR No thanks, no need already low

I don't like the clicking thing that they've introduced, that's always gotten on my nerves. but the thing is, you were able to walk around crafting a gun together then walking into PD and taking one out after they've searched you. I mean sure it's against the rules, but mingebags could still do it.
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