Police Suggestion shortening training sessons and reducing the amount of stages

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Brief description of idea: shortening training sessons and reducing the amount of stages

I unfortunately wasnt able to make it to TFU stage 3 today which is why i'm making this suggestion, and no im not mad, this is just one of those things you notice are stupid when they happen.

Stage 2 on a saturday evening is like 10 minutes of waiting, and 10 minutes of being taught how to left click a C2 SWEP. I appriciate the training efforts but honestly i think completely useless and wastes everyones time. Those things seriously cannot be demonstrated in a video on the devisions resources tab? The RTU devision seems to manage just fine explaining how to set up roadblocks and speed traps that way. You can get much more information across in a 2-3 minute video than a 20 minute training session.

I think it's unrealistic to expect from people to attend two weekend nights. I could pretend that i have an active social life here but besides that certain jobs also require you to work one weekend day

What benefits would this idea have for the department:

Besides being more fair for the players, it will also:
- Reduce the workload on trainers
- Allow trainers to allocate themselfs to either a saturday or sunday, spreading the amount of people per cycle into two days: making both go faster. maybe reward them if they attend both days? It could award them if they can make it without punishing them if they can't.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- A method of assigning someone to a saturday or sunday and then allocating trainees to that day is planning overhead, but that can easily be automated through plpd.online. Both trainers and trainees can assign themselves to the day they're available.
Other additions:
Stage 2 on a saturday evening is like 10 minutes of waiting, and 10 minutes of being taught how to left click a C2 SWEP. I appriciate the training efforts but honestly i think completely useless and wastes everyones time.

There typically is no wait because we usually start setting the stages up 10 minutes before it is planned to start. This can not be done when there are 7 applicants/11 who show up and only 4 trainers for 20 minutes. The only reason there would be a wait is if someone is having trouble joining/becoming tfu which there was an issue with yesterday, game/sound issues which also happened today

As for the flash training, you are taught how to properly C2 a door and how to throw a good flash. Regardless of what you may personally think, you learn best with hands-on experience and you get the opportunity to do so within this small training. Additionally, you get feedback and the ability to ask questions on the spot to several trainers instead of watching a video and then attempting it for your first time and getting graded on it. There are MANY people who do not use nades and flashes as civ and this is why it needs to be taught, it is not useless at all.

Regarding Attendance, if you know you can’t attend you can inform us and we can do your stage at a later date like @Bert. However joining 2 hours late with no notice (iirc) asking is it too late just doesn’t look good. Trainers are held to the same attendance standard.

Edit: We have INCREDIBLY decreased the amount of time it takes to go through the whole application. There used to be a vehicle course and a killhouse in stage 2 which would take over an hour 30 with several applicants like today. We do not see a need to shorten it even more than we already have.
There typically is no wait because we usually start setting the stages up 10 minutes before it is planned to start. This can not be done when there are 7 applicants/11 who show up and only 4 trainers for 20 minutes. The only reason there would be a wait is if someone is having trouble joining/becoming tfu which there was an issue with yesterday, game/sound issues which also happened today
i understand but this seems commonplace besides the tfu sessions, isnt this another reason to just scrap an unessesary stage?
teaching how to plant C2 and throw flashbangs can be done so much more easily in a 2 minute video though
@Sneaky Flash training is not unnecessary.....Neither is learning the fundamentals of the weapons
Yesterdays TFU Stage 3 was a nightmare and took way too long. I think one issue was giving the group retries on every scenario.
I think the only ones needing a retry are:
Basic Raid
Open Area Shootout.

The hostage situation took at least 30+ minutes per group. 1 Hour for both groups.
The session started at 7 pm and ended at around 9.30 PM (BST.)
I'm sure that Command can agree that not every scenario needs a retry.
What is your opinion on this, @Sneaky
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It usually takes around that long usually, even if it is 1 hour per group, its just an extra 15 minutes. I wasn't there yesterday due to me being asleep but ye
It really shouldn't be taking that long. Pretty sure one candidate had to leave early due to a 30minute late start. I ended up having to leave midway to sort something out. Hardly any Trainers actually arrived. I Was away for about 15-20 minutes, and the first group had just finished the Hostage situation. If you can mess up the Hostage situation to an extent that it needs a retry, there is something going wrong...
Stage 2 on a saturday evening is like 10 minutes of waiting, and 10 minutes of being taught how to left click a C2 SWEP. I appriciate the training efforts but honestly i think completely useless and wastes everyones time

Let’s be real, you needed that training...

The decision to make stage 2’s short and training only was a very welcome one that made TFU MILES easier to get into. Stage 2 used to be an assessment where we ran you through a driving course with the SWAT Van alongside an emergency flashbang trick shot test, as well as a fucking shit kill house made of wooden fences that would always bring our applicant count down by half. People failed stage 2 because to an extent, it was harder than stage 3. The decision to make stage 2 a basic training session was solely because people weren’t being taught anything, they were being assessed and most the time it was the first time for those people to be in TFU gear.

This was the direct result of applicant feedback by the way. Applicants both who passed and failed wanted to be taught how to utilise TFU equipment and the likes without running the risk of failure if they cock up.

I think it's unrealistic to expect from people to attend two weekend nights. I could pretend that i have an active social life here but besides that certain jobs also require you to work one weekend day
This isn’t our full time job and weekends are mostly the time TFTOs can attend to host these sessions.

The reason Sunday’s session took so fucking long was because half the TFTOs weren’t able to attend, a certain command member didn’t show up when he allegedly told others he was, resulting in us having to drag Super and Collier on then drag a TFU command member on who was supposed to be studying for a test. Shout out to @Aquaa for showing up despite having something really important IRL to attend, dude saved us all massively and as a result put his IRL situation at risk just so some people can RP as SWAT on their favourite cityrp game.
People during their stage 3’s when they try C2ing a door and can’t get it to work properly overall fucking up the entire situation.
“Whats your opinion” that’s literally what I said in teamspeak
This is down to each division running training or stages. There's no need to bring a blanket limit on time or amount.

If you feel an application or training session is wasting time contact the command team and discuss it.
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