Shotgun Policy

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Is this a suggestion for a policy/handbook change: policy
Is this a new policy or a change to a current policy: change
What policy do you wish to change: Change the shotgun policy so it allows to let police carry shotguns during crime heavy hours.
Why should this change/addition be made: Right now, we have people that get a warrant on them and then start killing cops for hours long. In situations like this I think cops should be allowed to carry a shotgun on them as a form of prevention. This way they can respond quicker and more effective. When the situation cools down cops should store their shotguns again.
Other additions:
You can already preemptively carry it if you predict that a crime is going to happen soon.
Usually if you think there is a crime going to happen you may carry it for a while to see what will happen. Usually if it is crime heavy hours there will be a lot more situations that you can respond to with your Shotgun on you. I think the policy is fine as it is as even during crime heavy hours you aren't going to respond to a situation, say a shootout, without your Shotgun on your person and in any other situation having a shotgun wouldn't matter anyways.
I would personally just say allow officers to carry it 24/7, PLPD is at such a disadvantage nowadays small things like this could really help out a lot. Shotgun policy is quite pointless in my own opinion I am sure by the time officers reach corporal they know when it is okay and not okay to shoot people.
The only thing with this is that every minute of every day would be a "Heavy Crime Time". Cops are too irresponsible and I always see cops have their shotguns on them 24/7. There would be so many loopholes to stop IA from punishing cops from using the shotgun
The only thing with this is that every minute of every day would be a "Heavy Crime Time". Cops are too irresponsible and I always see cops have their shotguns on them 24/7. There would be so many loopholes to stop IA from punishing cops from using the shotgun
I'm sorry using the 'cops are not responsible' card is not a valid reason. Corporals are trusted for a reason. I admit that have forgotten that I equipped my shotgun and when someone comments on it I place it into the trunk. I also disagree on the suggestion at hand with that we have TFU that have firearms out 247 since they need them and corporals don't.
I find it perfectly fine for corporals+ to carry the shotgun on them if there are quite a few volatile incidents, as long as they put it away after it's calmed down. No need for a change.
I'm sorry using the 'cops are not responsible' card is not a valid reason. Corporals are trusted for a reason. I admit that have forgotten that I equipped my shotgun and when someone comments on it I place it into the trunk. I also disagree on the suggestion at hand with that we have TFU that have firearms out 247 since they need them and corporals don't.
Current corporals are not trusted at all, its such an easy rank to obtain as they cant just keep denying you. And I am not willing to slander them, but I know many people know exactly who I am talking about
Current corporals are not trusted at all, its such an easy rank to obtain as they cant just keep denying you. And I am not willing to slander them, but I know many people know exactly who I am talking about
"its such an easy rank to obtain"
Just like moderator then.

Silly argument. If someone abuses a privilege of rank it gets removed.
If someone feels it would be necessary to carry their shotgun and can properly justify it then there is nothing wrong with it. I believe this is already practically covered in policy

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