Should the fish market be as regulated as other animals? (U.K mainly)

Should highly venomous sea creatures be lawful for anyone to own?

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I’ve been browsing fish lately being sold online by legal, Licensed dealers / importers / breeders.

Usually dangerous animals require a license here, land based things with venom or powerful natural weapons are considered to be something the public shouldn’t access without legal procedures.

This does not extend to sealife, unless it’s a mammal or reptile.

This is a Volitans lionfish that is sold online legally.

Its venom affects the cardiovascular system. There are no recorded, confirmed deaths however hospitalisation from lionfish stings is relatively common.

The blue ringed octopus is also legal without a license, that can potentially kill you in 20-30 minutes from point of bite. It’s venom attacks over 30 organs and systems in your body, causing paralysis, convulsions, and death. Furthermore, this octopus can climb out of the water and out of their tank and survive a fair amount of time outside the tank, they can also squeeze through tiny gaps on account of a lack of a skeleton. I could not find any for sale as fish dealers do not want to sell them, however I have seen one for sale before in the U.K.

There are certain reptiles with similar and even less extreme venoms and less effective means of injecting venom into people that you can’t own without a license, yet deadly sea creatures seem to get an A-OK from a legal standpoint.

Furthermore I have found stores online selling electric Eels, etc.

Pirahnas are also very common but those aren’t particularly dangerous.
Well dangerous land animal can go after you. What is the fishy gonna do? Calculate the angle of trajectory to fly out the tank at me?
Well dangerous land animal can go after you. What is the fishy gonna do? Calculate the angle of trajectory to fly out the tank at me?
The Blue ringed octopus can climb out of water, squeeze itself through tiny gaps and spend a considerable amount of time out of water. Also, when it comes to aquarium keeping there will be times often when you would have to put your hand in.
The people responsible for the fish are aware of the potential risks involved in handling them considering they're buying. Even if any venomous sea creature escapes from its tank and remains out of the water for some time, it will not be capable of inflicting as much harm as a tiger that escaped from its cage, should not be a huge risk toward a big amount of people except the person taking care of it, still, care should only be provided by people who actually know their stuff so that both the animal does not suffer from bad caretaking and no one is hospitalized at the end of the day. Proper information should be provided by the seller and acknowledged by the buyer that the fish is venomous and that they accept the risks

I looked after African cichlids for 8 years but always wanted to own a sea-water aquarium, its relaxing to watch them