Model Suggestion Show different Reticles in Inventory.

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Suggestion Title: Show different Reticles in Inventory.
Suggestion Description: My idea is that when you look at red dots in your inventory it should show what the reticle looks like. Also when you put a gun down for sale it should show the reticle while looking through the sight.

Why should this be added?:
- I think this should be added because its a great quality of life update. Sometimes i have 10 red dots on me and i want to change all of there reticles but after i change one it doesn't show me which one out of the 10 is changed so its difficult to mass produce your reticle. At the current moment i am having to grab one at a time and have to put it ina nd entire different storage just so i can know which one is custom. Also showing the reticle when you sell it will help players know exactly what sight they are buying when they purchase a gun.

What negatives could this have?:
- Maybe this is difficult to add but i am not too sure i think the positives greatly out weigh the negatives.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: The ability to make many custom reticles without spending a lifetime doing so.

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