Sights rework

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Description of the idea: Rework the sights for a (in my opinion) better experience.

As it is right now, I personally believe there's quite a few sights that people will outright refuse to use, because the sights are more or less useless, or at the very least, not very easy to use properly.
I'll mainly be focusing on the ACOG sight and sniper scopes for this, though mostly all other sights should undergo the same thing.
Additionally, my focus in this case will also primarily be on sights that have a zooming function. The reason for this, is the fact that 1x sights (such as the red dot sight) aren't too bad at the moment, since they don't block much of the screen, and still provide the aim that you need. However, one could argue that they should be looked at as well.
It is my opinion that the sights themselves aren't filling out enough of the screen. The actual scope is quite small, while the ACOG is relatively big. One could argue that the sight is blocking out more than it is showing, simply because of how small it is.
I have attached some pictures belowing showing this, including examples from a different game (Both BF3 and BF4) that show off some rather decent versions of the ACOG sight.
When using the ACOG sight, unless you're at very long distance, you have no real chance of keeping your sight on a suspect, and successfully taking them down.

Moving onto sniper scopes, they're much bigger than the ACOG sight, and give a decent amount of visibility, but still not near what I'd consider optimal for a gamemode like PERP, where there is a big focus on guns and crime in general, where guns are used.

The sights/scopes should fill out more of the screen, as in the sight/scope should be much closer to the player.

As you may be able to see, some of the replies to this thread also mention other issues with sight attachments, mainly the fact that some seem to be completely off-center. I do not personally have the proof to back this up, but I'm certain people who experience this will. This is definitely something that should also be looked at.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Moving onto why this should be added; I personally believe it will give an overall better experience for anyone deciding to use those sights.
Sights with a zoom will most likely see a growth in use, meaning a bigger variety of scopes will be actually useful.
Better sights, better aim.

What negatives could this have? (cons): A small hit to realism is the only con I can think of. It may look like the player has the scope pushed right into their eye socket, but I believe it's not a bad loss in this case. If you have any other cons, please post them in a reply

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: Here are some images showing just how bad the sights are compared to games like Battlefield 3 & 4, which also serve to be examples of what I'd consider a good version of said sights/scopes.

ACOG - BF3 & BF4

Example of the BF4 ACOG put over the PERP ACOG

Sniper scope - PERP
Sniper scope - BF4 & BF5

Example of the BF4 sniper scope over the PERP sniper scope
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Not only that, half of the sights are of center, good luck shooting anything with the rifle red dot, its like 50 pixels to the right of center
Yea, the ACOG is literally never used. It's made to be a sight that zooms in yet it barely does that, and the sight itself is so small. So much potential and yet so bad. Same with the 4 sniper scopes, Zenith zooms less, but the other 3 are basically all the same.
Could you do me a favor and send some screenshots of this my way? I'll add them to the main post as well as part of the suggestion
Personally I like the ACOG, so does @nade and @MachineGunO i believe.

I think a toggle zoom feature would cause balancing issues personally but I’m all for fixing some of the sniper scopes.
The AK-101 is more accurate without a sight, it’s off centre too when any sight goes on.

As someone who uses all the scopes nearly every day I want this to be looked at ASAP. Some people’s complaints about inaccurate hit reg could of been down to the sight offset.

The ACOG is too zoomed in and little, I’ve tried it in a bank raid with a M14 and I barely got a kill.
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