Skin models

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Does anyone know why, when i put the mdl. files of the guns into a decompiler, and convert them to a qc file, it does'nt show when i put it into blender. If anyone knows anything about that, please reply
Thank you for quick replies, when i do all that it just wont show.
I have the addon1709489341972.png
I choose the Source Engine1709489365247.png
Open the file1709489379630.png
But it still does'nt show1709489393869.png
Instead of using a modeler like this, use photoshop and just paste the image over the gun. All of it is in the guide linked below:
If not, get @Goonsberg to hop on call and show you as he's (not made skins he said he would so I had to find a post with many available) made skins for others!
its just i find it much easier in blender, other than the fact that i cant import images, because you can see in real time where you paint

This is more the tutorial youll need.

You will need to assign the texture to the correct material in Blender, then go into Material View and it should show if you have done it correctly.
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