Small inactivity notice

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I have recently become quite troubled with the amount of work that we have to do at my current education. Let's just say it includes reading chapters, each around 30-70 pages each, all about Network, followed by an exam for each chapter.
Because of this, I have become somewhat stressed, and is slowly causing me to make bad decisions (something you may already have noticed). To avoid anything bad from happening, I am taking breaks mainly during weekdays, and keeps my gaming to the weekend. Most of my days will instead be spent doing homework or sleeping.

Please, bear with me.
I know the feeling mate,
Exams are beyond horrible but you'll get through it :) We all will.
What I always enjoy to do which I keep telling @Murtsley (5th time now aha)
Is just go somewhere quiet ingame in an apartment and just grow while studying, this gets rid of the boring tedious task of growing and stick your headset on just incase you need to Roleplay.
Us men can multitask you see ;)