Model Suggestion Small / Tabletop Image Frames

Reaction score
White Forest, North of City 17
Suggestion Title: Small / Tabletop Image Frames
Suggestion Description: Currently, the only way to get an image smaller than a small flag is to get an Admin/Dev/Owner to scale an image frame down for you. I propose two new image frame types:

Small Image Frame
Table Top Image Frame (just a small frame with a stand on the back)

As the name describes, these would be mini image frames, small enough to be placed on a table (with a non-table version just so people have the option of sticking it to the wall if they wish). Some of the most creative builds in perp make use of the image frames (and the other image items) in different ways, so more options would be great!

Why should this be added?:
- More options for decoration/builds
- Adds versatility to how/where players can use image items

What negatives could this have?:
- Would most likely require new models
- Not sure how the image system works on the back end, but a new aspect ratio/resolution would probably be needed
- Not massively useful for those who don't run shops/passive RP

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