Smurfs Apply

Reaction score
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Steam profile name:


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In game name:

What cars do you have?:

Rifle Marksmanship?:

Why do you want to join?:
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Steam profile name: Piz

Age: 16

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In game name: Beau Winchester

What cars do you have?: Cadillac Escalade , Ford Transit , Mini Cooper

Rifle Marksmanship?: 60/70

Why do you want to join?: Most ppl in my org r joining this one + I need a decent group to be with haha.
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Steam profile name: Bigwhal

Age: 15

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In game name: Nathan Mcgee

What cars do you have?: The Mazda RX7 (Upraded)

Rifle Marksmanship?: Low right now just 3 saving up a few like 600k or something to upgrade it soon.

Why do you want to join?:Have an org, 3 people and need people to base with and shit.
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Steam profile name: lifechicken

Age: 14

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In game name: Daniel McGee

What cars do you have?: Mini Cooper

Rifle Marksmanship?: Pretty shit ngl.
Why do you want to join?: I need people to base with and to make the big money with.
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Steam profile name: En1Gm4

Age: 17

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In game name: Yosif Gopnik

What cars do you have?: Porsche 997, mini

Rifle Marksmanship?: 84 (can upgrade if not sufficient, I have firearms lvl 125 to make ammo.)

Why do you want to join?: I am looking for an org that can be reliable and active. I am willing to assist members anytime. Crafting is also not an issue.
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Steam profile name: Dr. Dräjj

Age: 17

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In game name: Vladimir Stalin

What cars do you have?: 1

Rifle Marksmanship?: 1

Why do you want to join?: Cuz I'm good as fuck man, what the fuck how am I this good? I will carry you kids.
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Steam profile name: AnimeWeeb123

Age: 11

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In game name: Shitoshi Animeisshitsuckdick

What cars do you have?: anime car

Rifle Marksmanship?: like 12 idek

Why do you want to join?: because anime is so good and it makes me good in every game
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Steam profile name:Ryan


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In game name:Jacob mcjimmy

What cars do you have?:transit

Rifle Marksmanship?:69

Why do you want to join?: i was in the old one. i still got the blue clothes.i need an active org.