Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City

Reaction score
39.007238, 126.281624

Our goals as the SPPC;

  • New laws for firearms
We would like to ban military-grade weaponry (automatic rifles, heavy sniper rifles) but therefore permit concealed carry in the public for concealed carry weaponry. Our suggestion, a change of the laws 7.3 - 7.6.

  • More support for workers
To support the hard-working workers and civilians of Paralake City, we demand the lowering of the income taxes.

  • Free Healthcare
Free Healthcare is necessary and needed for the citizens of Paralake City. The life or health condition of a citizen should not depend on their economy status.

  • Regular press conferences
We will inform the public about important decisions being made or decisions which have been made.

  • Independence for Paralake City
We would like to declare independence for Paralake City apart from the US and rename the mayor to Prime Minister.

  • More involvement into the politics from the people
We would like to do more votes for vital decisions.

  • Establishment of a democratic constitution
In order to ensure Democracy and Independence from any country also for the future.


Chairman - Stefan Bachmeier
Vice-Chairman - Harold Jenson

Party Members -Quinten Clarkson
Jaden Rogerson
Johnathan Rock



Spread the word and put this image in your signature;
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Everytime I see this I can't help thinking about the SDP from the UK

[DOUBLEPOST=1495966667,1495836376][/DOUBLEPOST]Dear Social-Democrats and Social-Democracy admirers!

To make our plans real, we need you to vote for me, Stefan Bachmeier, Chairman of the Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City for City Councillor here;
Vote today, for independence, unity within the community, safety, sociality, better democracy and Social-Democracy.

Stefan Bachmeier,
Chairman of the Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City and candidate for the Paralake City Council


To clear up, I have never been arrested for anything related to firearms or illegal substances. The picture above was me being detained during a speech due to someone having illegal substances (same goes to the magazine) dropped on the stage. I have reported this to the police and I was let go immediately after.
Dear people of Paralake City,

Today at 4:25 PM GMT +2, we had a meeting lasting an hour and we came to the conclusion, to change the MGWB program a bit.

In total, our MGWB program will be the following:

Stage 1 weaponry: Pistols;
  • Pistols may be carried anywhere but government buildings
Stage 2 weaponry: SMGs, Semi-automatic rifles (non-sniper rifles and shotguns);

  • Without any permit: May only be carried on private property, no public display allowed unless in case of self-defense or defence of others.
  • With "Permit for PC&PD for Stage 2 weaponry" (Public Carrying & Public Display) (PPCPDS2); May be given out to any member of security organisations with no felony or misdemeanour on record. Immediately retractable in case of a felony or misdemeanour committed. With this permit, public display and public carrying of Stage 2 weaponry will be allowed.
Stage 3 weaponry: Automatic rifles (non-sniper rifles);

  • Without any permit: Forbidden to be possessed, sold, produced and used
  • With "Permit for Possession for Stage 3 weaponry (PPS3)"; May be given out to any citizen of Paralake City with no felony or misdemeanour on record. Immediately retractable in case of a felony or misdemeanour committed. With this permit, possession of Stage 3 weaponry will be permitted. May only be transported to private property or storage chest (storage or trunks) and carried within private property. No public display allowed, unless in case of self-defense or defence of others.
  • With "Permit for PC&PD for Stage 3 weaponry" (PPCPDS3); May be given out to any member of security organisations with no felony or misdemeanour on record. Immediately retractable in case of a felony or misdemeanour committed. With this permit, the public display and carry are permitted for Stage 3 weaponry. However, you won't have the permission to be in possession of Stage 3 weaponry with this permit.
  • With "Permit for Sale and Production of Stage 3 weaponry" (PSS3); May be given out to citizens with no felony nor misdemeanour on police record. May be immediately retracted if Stage 3 weaponry has been sold to somebody with no PPS3 permit, the Sale of Stage 3 weaponry is not being documented (appropriately) or the list has not been sent to the office for firearms (which will give out the permits). With this permit, the sale and production of Stage 3 weaponry will be permitted for the individual being in possession of a PSS3 permit. The sale of Stage 3 weaponry is only permitted to individuals being in possession of a PPS3 permit. The ID of the buyer must be requested as well, to assure the identity and that the permit is from the individual.
Stage 4 weaponry: Sniper rifles, designated marksmanship rifles;

  • Will be forbidden entirely
All of the said permits are not transferable.
Suppressors won't be permitted.

Stefan Bachmeier,
Chairman of the Social-Democratic Party of Paralake City and Candidate for the Paralake City Council
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Considering most guns in the city come in a toggle able variety, and crafters have no blueprints to change this design, your suggested policies won't work.
