[SOLVED]need help with the F1 menu

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Hello, for the past days I have had a great time on the server, but for some reason, today i logged in and wanted to craft something, so i pressed the F1 menu and the game crashed, so i rejoined the Queue server (for like 40 minutes) and when i entered again and pressed F1, it crashed. I did this about five times, so i asked for help in the Queue server, they told me to "verify the integrity of game cache", did that, then Disabled ALL the addons i had, joined again the server and... keep crashing when i pressed F1.
I changed the controls for it to be another key, thinking it would resolve something, and yet, it would still crash.
Please can i get some help? i really want to play on the server but without being able to acess that menu its impossible to truly enjoy the experience.
thanks in advance! will be waiting for an answer impatiently :)
Try deleting everything from these two folders

Put -dxlevel 90 in your launch options*, and check out this as well https://perpheads.com/threads/potential-f1-crash-fix-autoexec-cfg.18620/ then try connecting to the server and hopefully it should work.
thank you! i think it fixed it!!!
[DOUBLEPOST=1481073228,1481073188][/DOUBLEPOST]it seems tinkering with the launcher options also did the trick... i was adding stuff i didnt even know what it did lol
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