
Episode 1337
Something Something Something Reading
Something about the force and revenge
on The Belinskys Something Something
Reading Something Something Gay Star
Wars shit something something something
Dark side Something about A Falcon from the
Millenium and droids and stupid storm
troopers who can't aim properly.
Something about Han shooting first.
Something Something Police Brutality
Something something about mayor
being corrupt and something about
@Sir CaptainSpaghetti being the sith
lord of all things Spaghetti and Dark side
Something about @Bolli and @Fredy Saving the day
Something Something Something Reading
Something about the force and revenge
on The Belinskys Something Something
Reading Something Something Gay Star
Wars shit something something something
Dark side Something about A Falcon from the
Millenium and droids and stupid storm
troopers who can't aim properly.
Something about Han shooting first.
Something Something Police Brutality
Something something about mayor
being corrupt and something about
@Sir CaptainSpaghetti being the sith
lord of all things Spaghetti and Dark side
Something about @Bolli and @Fredy Saving the day