some rdmer

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Involved --

Player raided PD for no reason, at that time we had no people in custody, and the only 4 officers were Me, @Kempotent @Shokron13 and @Bigwhal. I believe the person that ran u over is an unrelated incident.

Player in question is KJM / Jeffy Jackson and his Steam ID is STEAM_0:0:116657547

Admittedly, us cops were messing around, but privately and not involving anyone else, nobody asked for them to randomly raid PD and/or start shooting uninvolved people for no reason.
I respawned at PD, Expecting nothing and then I see @Islexic With an ak-47 and then I die again about 3 seconds after respawning
i'm going to ar you for admitedly claiming that you were trolling, this is a serious rp server please act like it, dont troll plz thanks

safe lad

Please provide more context into the situation going on here, also please upload a demo within 24 hours or this will be closed.
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