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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Kommadant
How long were you banned for: 2 weeks

Your Steam Name: National meth head convention
Your In-game Name: John Flemmon
Your Steam ID:

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.2, 3.4 - User failed to comply to an officer's orders whilst under direct gun-point, stalling the situation and communicating in-character information to a third party communication which heavily affected the role-play situation.
Why should this appeal be considered: I would like to say to Sam ireland that im sorry, my mom came in the room and was talking to me so thats why i put my hands ups, also im sorry for using discord but i really only used discord to teach these news guys how to play and i may have slipped and said some stuff IC. I should care about the rules more and i realize it. I hope next time i can make a better impression and maybe make a new start.

Additional Comment(s): the cops who tried to raid the office (my base) you had no chance of winning cuz there were 5 of us. ;)
I don't accept your apology.

Your past ban history and the behaviour you showed during and in the conversation after the situation makes it clear to me that you have no intention to improve upon your behaviour.

Additional Comment(s): I guess 4 was the magic number then because as soon as we raided you again, breaching ourselves rather than relying on you opening the door it went flawlessly!
I don't accept your apology.

Your past ban history and the behaviour you showed during and in the conversation after the situation makes it clear to me that you have no intention to improve upon your behaviour.

Additional Comment(s): I guess 4 was the magic number then because as soon as we raided you again, breaching ourselves rather than relying on you opening the door it went flawlessly!
well i understand that but hey if i do it again for christ sake give me a month

Wait a few more days before appealing again, I feel like you should serve a bit of your ban.

Reviewed with @Shay
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