Server Suggestion Specialisation - Cooking, Building, and Metalworking


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Description of the idea:

Specialisation is a system in which you could choose a single additional skill to specialise in which would grant you perks which other players without that specialisation would not be able to use: for example, crafting certain things.

A specialisation will be chosen upon character creation and will have the ability to be changed only once.

Each specialisation will be able to be levelled from level 1 to level 100, with small but definitely noticeable perks being granted at each level.

If anyone has any other suggestions for new specialisations or any ways to build upon the current ones, let me know.

Considered a synthesis specialisation where cheaper chemicals could be made into more expensive ones via processes with the chemical table (in turn giving chemical tables a legal use), however I saw no significant way to expand on it past that so if you have any ideas for that in particular, I’d love to see them.


Cooking levelled by: cooking fish on stoves, crafting food items

Cooking benefits: food items give 0.25-25% more hunger restored from 1 to 100 (based on the level of the person who crafted it), allows for new food items to be crafted in order to give benefits such as temporary boosts to regeneration, stamina, strength etc.

Could integrate some of the farming stuff which has been hinted at before.


Building levelled by: creating furniture, props, and things like pyrex dishes, beakers etc.

Building benefits: each 4th level gives an extra prop to the prop limit - from (with premium) 30 at 1 to 55 at 100, each 10 levels allows you to carry one extra furniture - from 10 to 20 at 100, and gives 1-100kg extra carrying weight from 1 level to 100.

Could place existing props restricted behind building level & introduce some new props, or just introduce new props within the building specialisation.

Could introduce new, much more expensive decorative items based on props already in the game which could just be used for collecting purposes.


Metalworking levelled by: crafting items/weapons with pieces of metal & refined metal, crafting refined metal - considering the mining additions for V5, metalworking could be worked into that system at a later date & refining materials from mining could grant metalworking levels.

Metalworking benefits: 0.25-25% faster crafting time for any item that involves Metal Rods, Metal Polish, Refined Metal, or Pieces of Metal. Additionally, Refined Metal is now gated behind a metalworking level:

Refined Metal (25% Pure) requirements: Intelligence level 1, Crafting level 1 - same requirements

Refined Metal (50% Pure) requirements: Intelligence level 1 (-1 level), Strength level 1, Crafting level 3, Metalworking level 35 (new)

Refined Metal (75% Pure) requirements: Intelligence level 2 (-1 level), Strength level 2, Crafting level 5, Metalworking level 70 (new)

Refined Metal (100% Pure) requirements: Intelligence level 3 (-1 level), Strength level 3, Crafting level 7, Metalworking level 100 (new)

Why should this be added?:

This would create three new, legal avenues of making money without simply generating more money, as the items provided by these specialisations would not all be able to be obtained by a single player, however they are all things which could absolutely be desired.

Levelling these specialisations could very potentially be self-funding up to a certain point by reselling the items crafted to other players, allowing for newer players to gain some amount of decent footing through some relatively simple systems & potentially access organisations with more established players due to a service they can provide that others can’t.

Cooking can expand on existing concepts which were being considered for implementation & also give purpose to stoves again, by necessitating their use potentially, while providing a consistently-desired finite product.

Building would likely be the easiest of the bunch to implement, other than the prop limit idea because that could potentially cause some issues since it’s currently tied to your rank. A greater prop limit for certain players has always been greatly desired however the existence of a prop limit is a necessity, and this would provide a middle ground of sorts. Additionally, the new props would provide greater possibilities for interesting constructions & passive roleplay.

Metalworking would provide another consistently desired product & allow for more profit in crafting and selling weapons without a direct crafting price/time increase. Additionally, the metal itself could simply be crafted and sold to players without the specialisation who would like to craft with it and pay a lower price than what is offered by the NPCs. Furthermore, it doesn’t actually require any new items to be introduced to the game, therefore significantly reducing the development work required.

What negatives could this have?

Certain specialisations could be more desirable than others and create a misbalance.

Certain specialisations could simply be too effective at making money, however the items created are valued only by the craft price & the demand from other players, so if this were to be the case it would level off relatively quickly.

Not sure if the prop limit thing would actually be possible with the way prop limit currently works.

Crafted food levels adds more data to store in storages and could result in more overflow error issues.

I’ve done my best to ensure that development work wouldn’t need to be massive to implement this, however I can imagine that there would still be a considerable amount.

Apologies about the sheer length of this post, I purposefully didn't get into specifics regarding Cooking and Building as I knew that the post would just drag on for far too long and the list of specific items would end up being much longer.
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A specialisation will be chosen upon character creation and will have the ability to be changed only once.
I'd prefer the ability to change whenever you want. The downside would be that you'd have to level up from the start again.
maybe, but then it would need to be considerably more difficult to level up
This is a solid suggestion and would create a more RP friendly way of making money rather than growing drugs which I personally have got bored of after awhile as it is the same old thing as well with this suggestion it will attract more people who are already more about RP to enhance that with this.

I personally believe that more suggestions similar to this should be implemented as currently the main streams of making good money is drugs where your just sitting in a apartment all day rather than actually roleplaying and working hard to make money.
Wondering if this could be considered at any stage.
Instead of having to choose on char creation. Make it something peeps can ‘start’ /choose whenever they feel ready for it. Otherwise many new players will lock something in that turns out to be not what theyd wanted.
Also maybe changing once could be changed into once for free. Afterwards a hefty price together with reset to lvl1 to make sure people rlly have to be sure they want to change.
Instead of having to choose on char creation. Make it something peeps can ‘start’ /choose whenever they feel ready for it. Otherwise many new players will lock something in that turns out to be not what theyd wanted.
Also maybe changing once could be changed into once for free. Afterwards a hefty price together with reset to lvl1 to make sure people rlly have to be sure they want to change.
Just worry about it being abused and people swapping too much, there should be significant downside to a reset - a large cost could be good.
Just worry about it being abused and people swapping too much, there should be significant downside to a reset - a large cost could be good.
A big factor is also how long maxing out would take. Did you envision it as something you can max within a few hours, if you have the money/supplies ready to go?
A big factor is also how long maxing out would take. Did you envision it as something you can max within a few hours, if you have the money/supplies ready to go?
Not at all, should take a while to progress in
cooking and metalworking… monolith fanboy… still W suggestion
i swear to god i have never played monolith in my life the cooking idea came from hypixel skyblock alchemy
cooking and metalworking… monolith fanboy… still W suggestion
i said the same thing in shoutbox lmao. This suggestion is basically implemented already for the most part I would say except for the skill requirements on Metalworking and Cooking.

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