Speed trap and police signalling disc

Reaction score
39.007238, 126.281624
Topic: Special sweps for the speed enforcer

Short explanation (in notes):
- A fast build speed trap which can be put everywhere (should be on the street)
- You can set a speed limit for the speed trap so it makes a photo when its over the speed limit
- You got acces from the speed trap in an other location. (Example: Speed trap is at bridge, you can acces on it at McUwes)
- A police signalling disc (no right translation found)

- You can say with this "disc" that the car infront of you has to stop (while on foot)
- You can beckon with this disc and show with the other arm to the direction the vehicle should pull over.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I see this many times in germany (and one time in italy) that police officer doing speed traps and pull over vehicles at somewhere else via. (lets say now its a PSD). This should become added in perp too, since paralake city got a problem with speeders. This should help speed enforcers with pulling over the speeders.

Optional additions:
- Able to show the PSD as partner to the right side, to pull him over too.
- Police Officers are able to get the PSD too.
This would be a nice feature. Though the part with "and show with the other arm to the direction the vehicle should pull over. " might be a bit excessive. Anyway


Great idea and I was thinking of this myself. A whole new revolution to speed enforcers!

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