Staff Applications

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London, United Kingdom
Okay, I'm going to make this as short as possible and I'm not going to sugar-coat it.

I hate it when people look at a staff application and then base their answer purely because of what they've seen in-game of that individual. A good example was Jack Flagg's reply to TOMCAT's application where he -supported him because he'd never seen him on. What's the point stating how experienced you are in that field and putting effort into your application if people aren't going to pay proper attention to it, and then just base their verdict on "hm, he CDMed me once, better -support him" kind of answer. It's stupid and I think there needs to be some kind of regulation/rule system when it comes to players giving their opinions on someones staff application. As much as basing your answer of what you've seen in-game from that person is useful, it needs to be balanced. That player could write the best application ever, but do the odd bad thing in-game. Most people then would just -support him. I don't think this is how it should work in any case, and it's highly unfair to those who put effort into their applications.

Since I assumed this would be a suggestion as to add rules and regulations when it comes to reviewing staff applications, I've placed it in the Suggestions section. Any moderator, feel free to move it to the appropriate section if need be.

What do you guys and girls think?
John Daymon said:
Why even care about it?

Luke uses is own opinion in the applications.
Luke should consider being democratic when it comes to applications - if Luke just used his own opinion, why let others reply to staff applications? If there's the option to +support and -support, it's a form of community-based democracy but it has to be used appropriately. I care about it because staff applications aren't things to be taken lightly.
That's true, you need to evaluate their negative experiences and positive experience to level out some form of decision whether to support them or not.
John Daymon said:
Why even care about it?

Luke uses is own opinion in the applications.
Why its not being used is because theese things: People ask their friends: Put +support, and also people maybe have something personal against them?
People only do +Supports or -Supports based on their opinion. This has ALOT to do with roleplay skills. Active on the server + forums and most of all: Knowing the rules by heart and not breaking them.
This has a big affect on the application.
And also. Flagg, Luke does check the supports, activity, and how they roleplay.

- [PH] jjjackier
Flagg is right, I have no idea who started the idea of + or - support but its completely useless, Luke makes his own decision he doesn't really look at your supports as they could all just be from your friends in game.
Luke does not make his own decisions the supports of the players do ofcourse make a change in the opinion, if he only has -supports. I don't think Luke would accept it, and i completly agree with RedParadoxin, even though you have seen him break 1 rule "By accident/Or didn't know" it's nonsence to
-support him.
GhostFanta said:
Luke does not make his own decisions the supports of the players do ofcourse make a change in the opinion, if he only has -supports. I don't think Luke would accept it, and i completly agree with RedParadoxin, even though you have seen him break 1 rule "By accident/Or didn't know" it's nonsence to
-support him.
But what if its just a bunch of people that hate that specific player? The player would lose his chance of becoming a staff member because some players don't like him, thats not right at all. Im 99% sure Luke makes his own choice.
GhostFanta said:
Luke does not make his own decisions the supports of the players do ofcourse make a change in the opinion, if he only has -supports. I don't think Luke would accept it, and i completly agree with RedParadoxin, even though you have seen him break 1 rule "By accident/Or didn't know" it's nonsence to
-support him.
I say the same as Alex
jjjackier said:
People only do +Supports or -Supports based on their opinion. This has ALOT to do with roleplay skills. Active on the server + forums and most of all: Knowing the rules by heart and not breaking them.
This has a big affect on the application.
And also. Flagg, Luke does check the supports, activity, and how they roleplay.

- [PH] jjjackier
Now tell me Kier, where did you get this information?
jjjackier said:
People only do +Supports or -Supports based on their opinion. This has ALOT to do with roleplay skills. Active on the server + forums and most of all: Knowing the rules by heart and not breaking them.
This has a big affect on the application.
And also. Flagg, Luke does check the supports, activity, and how they roleplay.

- [PH] jjjackier
Oh wow, thanks Flagg XD

Daymon, i just know it. Im not so sure Luke would accept an application that has super bad RP, is never active on forums + ingame and knowing the rules, but has alot of supports.
jjjackier said:
People only do +Supports or -Supports based on their opinion. This has ALOT to do with roleplay skills. Active on the server + forums and most of all: Knowing the rules by heart and not breaking them.
This has a big affect on the application.
And also. Flagg, Luke does check the supports, activity, and how they roleplay.

- [PH] jjjackier
Luke obv. spectates the person ingame to see their roleplaying.
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