Staff Complaint: Jack P

Reaction score
Land of eng
@Jack P is doing a good job as an enforcer but i think he needs power to enforce the rules properly (like any enforcer), he is very active and i think he will make a great mod and deserves the rank, he will make a great addition to the staff. (besides we need more mods)
P.S he forced me to do this
I agree with this, @Jack P has surprised me and his confidence is great, he has tried his best to do whatever he can to stop certain players breaking OOC chat rules and rule breakers overall. He has made suggestions for enforcers to be able to get more perms so they can stop the OOC misconduct.

He has asked to be apart of reports and he wants to learn and do well. I think jacks the person you needed for quite a while now on the staff team.

I wonder why he doesn't play anymore
@CensoredExe Hardly played before that, but if it'll boost your ego to think you caused it and not the ban and me just not playing a lot anymore then sure go ahead, whatever makes you happy. Just know what you're doing you're terrible at I've fought with more terrible people with WAY more influence in the community than you have and ever will get.