Steam update

Do you like the new steam update?

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It's the latest buzz around the community, the new steam update. It changed a lot of subtle things and radically changed others. What's your opinion of it?
Apart from fucking up my steam skin
and for some reason it not using the pinned icon as a tab
I'd say it's alright.
pretty bad in my opinion, they made group owners lose their group
for an example: a group with the tag hentai (theres only 5 groups with these tags) was stolen because of a bug with their new shit
I can't open or view my friends list so, shit update.
The friends list is still bugged from the beta, it's a shit update and I'm not a fan of it until they iron out some of the major bugs (e.g. allowing you to listen to anyones mic even if they're not in a session, hotfixed) and allow us to customize our chat experience (havent found any so far or I'm blind.

If you hate the new friends list or if it's unusable at this point add this to your Steam shortcut

This will revert your friends list to the old one making it usable again, also has no image preview loading.
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The entire friends list is still buggy as shit, this is the same for chat, and these are literally the only thing they updated, well done, steam