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Your Steam/In-game Name: -=Bilbo 'Rekt' Swaggins=- / Esteban Winsmore

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Stomper / Sean Jonnson

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
User decided to punch me infront of a CCTV camera, close to the storage attendant, outside the window which the Fredy's bakery attendant can look out through AND next to an officer. What was the reason? Attempting to punch his car once, after he rammed me with a car and pushing him once he approached me getting aggresive. User then started punching the cop after being approached with handcuffs, right before yelling "Ninjacuff" in LOOC. After being handcuffed for a while, the officer uncuffed him, and instead of just walking away, he decided the punch the officer once again before jumping in his car and driving off.


Cop also rammed you though, Ar reason is slightly unclear and seemed like if something should have been done it should have been IC and by the Officer. But he seemed to not know what was going on at all.
Cop also rammed you though, Ar reason is slightly unclear and seemed like if something should have been done it should have been IC and by the Officer. But he seemed to not know what was going on at all.

One of the reasons for the AR is because Stomper decided to punch an officer infront of a CCTV camera, instead of just driving off like a regular human being. There was no reason to do what he did. (On phone)
I don't know why your all over my dick but I wasn't the driver and you was running your mouth and making threats that's why I came at you aggressive, My character was also intoxicated.

The officer however was an sweater shooting unarmed and could barely speak English.
People do illegal activities infront of CCTVs all the time so that's completely out of the case. You provoked Stomper by punching his car after a close call at him so you essentially got what you deserved. Also, people resist from the cops often I.E Hung Chow going ham on cops with a baseball bat. Stomper has 5 strength which could've killed the cop in 4-5 hits.

Also, Stomper hitting the cop and driving off is normal seeing after all the hassle the cop gave him , he also had a means of escaping (his friend)...So this leads me to one simple question, what rule did he break my rosey-cheeked friend?
Just going to throw it out there, don't expect people to not do something just because a camera is there, that's why it is there.. So the police can use it to catch criminals, it's simply IC stupidity for them not noticing.
I'll try to explain why I disagree with this AR.

To me it looks like you were jaywalking which resulted in you getting rammed by the vehicle. As the result of this you attempt to vandalize the vehicle? Then you display an offensive weapon right beside a law enforcement officer (baseball bat) and within the view of a CCTV camera yourself.

Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit in your action request? "(...)right before yelling "Ninjacuff" in LOOC(...)" - He simply wrote: "ninja cuff" in LOOC - Yelling? Not exactly but I give you credit for trying to spice the AR with irrelevant arguments to make it look worse than it is.

Additional comment:
By asking @Stomper in LOOC why he's violating the rules doesn't exactly contribute to the situation in a positive way and it could be considered slightly slanderous due to the fact that his actions could possibly be justified. It could also be seen as an attempt to cause further problems.
The first thing I see in the video is you jaywalking onto the street, something which is against the law but the officer did not give a reaction to that which suggests to me that he's obviously new to the server or just didn't see it. You didn't even bother to state what rules he broke. Also exactly at 1:16 you pulled out a bat in front of the same officer, camera and NPC and your means were to harm someone. In a way you yourself broke 3.4 also risking your freedom as the officer could of arrested you. Why did you break 3.4? There were around 3-4 of them and obviously armed as you had witnessed one of them pulling out a weapon and attacking an officer with it, they could've easily killed the said officer, destroyed the camera and dealt with the NPC and then chased after you. I would also like you to take into consideration their characters and the type of personality their characters might have. Not everyone is an law-abiding angel who doesn't commit crimes in real life, I'm pretty sure that's not the people they are roleplaying as either from the fact that they are getting people to roleplay as this gang or these people from this game. They also didn't do anything extremely serious other than roleplaying as those types of people, sure maybe they broke a bit of 3.3/3.4 but overall as i said I'm pretty sure what you did was 3.4 itself (Or so I think anyway) and the cop 3.3 and 4.3 reason being as he did not perform in this situation correctly. He did not address you breaking the law at the start, them having a weapon + you, he decided to shoot like a madman causing him to shoot at his own car which is actually violating rule 3.15. Personally I think the AR should've been done on the cop as the situation could've been dealt with in a better way than it had.

I personally believe that you actually started this. They were trying to park right beside the stroage guy, and them you just came in infront of them. You began punching their car. Stomper went out of the car to try and talk to you, but then you decided to push him.
1.8 Physical Assault

The act of intentionally physically assaulting (making aggressive contact with) an individual with the intent to cause bodily, mental and/or emotional harm.

Pushing is also against the law, and you actually started pushing him first. When Stomper tried to push and hit back, he was following law 7.2, but the officer clearly didn't know about the law.

I do agree that i may have been trouble to them. But the fact is: I didnt even manage to hit the car, i only attempted once. I may have started pushing, but at 0:36 in the video, you cen see me stopping, and turning the other way to avoid any further escalation of the situation. At this point i am just standing still, but stomper decides to punch me, even tho i stopped touching him, so what he did was not self-defence it seemed more like an attempt to push the situation to a higher point. Another things is that Stomper should have gone in his car, and driven off when being released, but instead he found it reasonable to punch the officer one last time. I think this is 3.4 since Stomper was lucky enough to get released, but apparently that wasnt enough, no, lets just punch the officer again.

The fact that the officer wasnt the brightest person has to be taken into account, but still. If the officer had slightly more braincells, he would have been able to call backup on the radio, and in the car that they were evading in, they wouldnt be able to escape the cops.

This whole situation would have been avoided if he had decided to just leave it be, and not punch me after i stopped pushing him.
I do agree that i may have been trouble to them. But the fact is: I didnt even manage to hit the car, i only attempted once. I may have started pushing, but at 0:36 in the video, you cen see me stopping, and turning the other way to avoid any further escalation of the situation. At this point i am just standing still, but stomper decides to punch me, even tho i stopped touching him, so what he did was not self-defence it seemed more like an attempt to push the situation to a higher point. Another things is that Stomper should have gone in his car, and driven off when being released, but instead he found it reasonable to punch the officer one last time. I think this is 3.4 since Stomper was lucky enough to get released, but apparently that wasnt enough, no, lets just punch the officer again.

The fact that the officer wasnt the brightest person has to be taken into account, but still. If the officer had slightly more braincells, he would have been able to call backup on the radio, and in the car that they were evading in, they wouldnt be able to escape the cops.

This whole situation would have been avoided if he had decided to just leave it be, and not punch me after i stopped pushing him.
Thing is, you still attempted to punch his vehicle when he drove into you when it was purely your fault. You still didn't address the fact that you're reporting Stomper for punching you in front of a CCTV camera, an officer and in the sight range of the NPC of Fredy's when you yourself pulled out a BAT and attempted to hit one of them. Hypocritical? Also regarding him punching you after you stopped pushing him, by pushing him you probably provoked him because who in the real world runs out into the street, nearly getting run over and then attempts to hit the car and then pushes the driver AND then expects the person not to be angered? This AR is so fucking stupid and if anything the cop should've been reported for not correctly performing his duties.
Thing is, you still attempted to punch his vehicle when he drove into you when it was purely your fault.

Im not saying it isnt my fault, but honestly, because i attempted to punch his car once, and i pushed him, i wouldnt really say that makes it right to punch me after i stopped pushing him, and the fact that he did it infront of an officer doesnt make things better, does it? The point is that he is breaking 3.4 by doing so.

You still didn't address the fact that you're reporting Stomper for punching you in front of a CCTV camera, an officer and in the sight range of the NPC of Fredy's when you yourself pulled out a BAT and attempted to hit one of them.

I was trying to get the guy to leave, i didnt hit him, or even swing the bat at him, i was simply holding it in my hand. Even if the officer did see that, it would have been a ticket, but stomper would most likely have gone into jail for punching me.

Also regarding him punching you after you stopped pushing him, by pushing him you probably provoked him because who in the real world runs out into the street, nearly getting run over and then attempts to hit the car and then pushes the driver AND then expects the person not to be angered?

As mentioned in the top, punching me seems a bit aggressive in my opinion, instead he could have gone over to the officer and told him to do something about it? Oh wait no, punching me infront of the officer seems like logical, right? If he really wanted to punch me, why not wait for the officer to leave, and do it in a more secluded place. This entire situation just seems like Stomper was a bit too bored, and just needed someone to punch.

My character was also intoxicated.

Oh, im sorry. I didnt know that it is allowed to break the rules because you are intoxicated. I will use that excuse the next time i assault an officer, and hopefully that makes it all right.
I might aswell give my point of view of how I see this whole situation before this gets reviewed by whoevers week it is today or next week.

You were clearly on the road in the beginning, resulting in in the driver of the Jeep to almost run you over in which you react by showing agression by punching his car. The situation clearly lifts off here as @Stomper did not appreciate your punch that was directed on the Jeep. Some pushes here and there happen in which he punches you once and backs off. Now, it does not matter that there is a CCTV camera right on the wall as the Officer has clearly seen what has happened in the first place anyways. Now, as we are on the topic of the Officer in the video, he really does seem like he doesn't know how to do his job well but I wouldn't blame him if he was new, we all learn one time.

Moving on, the Officer still hasn't really done a good job in which they just hop back into their Jeep as he clearly can not resolve this situation, you run after somebody with a baseball bat (?) which is an offensive weapon next to an Officer aswell and a CCTV camera (As you have said so yourself that he shouldn't do an illegal activity infront of the camera but have just done so yourself. The case is it doesn't matter if there is a CCTV camera, a quote from @Standish "Just going to throw it out there, don't expect people to not do something just because a camera is there, that's why it is there.. So the police can use it to catch criminals, it's simply IC stupidity for them not noticing."). As it goes on, the Officer gets his gun in attack stance on somebody to get them out of a vehicle, the Officer shoots the wrong person and doesn't know how to bandage him afterwards etc. etc. I don't see why an action request would be necesarry in the first place, this all could've been resolved IC.
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You started the situation by throwing threats and attempting to punch his vehicle showing aggression towards them. He may have gotten into your face but he probably wouldn't have if you didn't use any threats to him.
What? You chase someone with your bat after they were just shot at for having a bat out swinging at someone?...
Looks like you risked your life.
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