I've fully resorted to shooting people who don't comply with gunpoint as a police officer. If a simple command like "don't move" isn't followed after 5 attempts for me to get you to stop moving, I'll just shoot the person down.
I've noticed people recently started to actually follow orders given to them instead of attempting to "cheese" away from the situation or attempt to ignore officers if it is a crowd of people, which has greatly improved the quality of roleplay and what should be normal if someone points a gun to your face.
It goes without saying that I don't shoot if they simply don't surrender (as long as they don't do anything else), but otherwise comply with what should be your first order - "don't move" - as the surrender mechanic isn't introduced to players, and they have to figure out how to type /surrender or find it in the emote wheel.
Also, if the incident is not of violent nature that would/have put lives at risk, obviously, do not shoot people.