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Under Lewis088's bed
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.0 Of general conduct - Disturbance of a content creator.

Your version of the rule: If a player were to be streaming their gameplay to viewers, any purposeful distruption to their content with malicious intent (E.G Being racist in an attempt to get them banned) will not be tolerated.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: I believe this would be a really useful addition to the rules, this has come to my concern after reading @Husky post about their attempt of streaming, some staff members were attempting to take it down by screaming "nigga" That first of all is disgusting and shouldn't be tolerated. Furthermore I believe streaming is a great way to get a creators content out there and could draw people into perp, making the server more populated, it is also just pathetic and malicious how people can disturb a person from doing something that they enjoy for others entertainment for the sole purpose of getting their content removed or actions taken upon them.

What do you think of this?
I don't really think a new rule is needed for this. As of now, causing problems can be enforced on the server, teamspeak, etc as detailed here > and I feel like they would just overlap. If what was said was true about staff members going out of their way to try and get someone banned from Twitch, then they would likely be dealt with approprately if a staff complaint was made on them.
The issue I faced could have easily been resolved via a staff complaint however I'm not on bad terms with the staff member and I personally think they just got a bit excited or something as I hadn't been on in months, I only really care as I sometimes stream CS for an org so its a bit yikes if I get banned for racism. Rule idea doesn't seem half bad tho!
I don't really think a new rule is needed for this. As of now, causing problems can be enforced on the server, teamspeak, etc as detailed here > and I feel like they would just overlap. If what was said was true about staff members going out of their way to try and get someone banned from Twitch, then they would likely be dealt with approprately if a staff complaint was made on them.
I do agree with this however this is specified as a forum rule and i think should be taken into consideration of a main server wide rule as it can easily be done through in game communication
I personally have to agree with Hayden as I believe this is already covered, but I’d love for this to be covered internally within the staff team so the type of behaviour that isn’t allowed is defined
The issue I faced could have easily been resolved via a staff complaint however I'm not on bad terms with the staff member and I personally think they just got a bit excited or something as I hadn't been on in months, I only really care as I sometimes stream CS for an org so its a bit yikes if I get banned for racism. Rule idea doesn't seem half bad tho!
DM me when you're streaming
Streaming perp isn‘t possible. You don‘t even have to tell people that you are streaming and every couple of minutes you hear something with nigga. As sad as it is you really can‘t stream perp if you don‘t want to risk a twitch ban. My opinion.
Myself and a few other community members used to stream perp through youtube and twitch, just place a mature audience warning, if you get banned, inform twitch that you were unable to do anything about it
Streamsniping if you are doing crimRP is a huge pain in the ass as well. Oh look at that out of nowhere I find out that I am about to get raided
This is an issue but it can be hard to prove it unless you can get definative evidence
Maybe streaming really should be more looked into in-depth? It's clear games get a lot of viewers on Twitch and having people live streaming on perp could potentially bring some attraction to the server with some luck?

You cannot target a player and ruin their roleplay experience and you now cannot be racist in-character. Both of these are the issues you are posing. There are already ways to protect all players from this, not just streamers.
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