[Suggestion] Completly ban the placement of spotlights or any object on top of head level defences [Booklet Addition]

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Addition for the Construction Booklet
Your version of the rule: Players may not put spotlights or any kind of object on head level where a player would be crouched or standing in head level on top of defences (e.g. concrete barricades) for defensive purposes to prevent headglitching.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Spotlights have always been weird regarding their use where some recently even put them facing down (???????)onto the barricades just for some added protection. Players should still be able to place them directly on the floor (or on the ceiling if it's realistically supported with props) which still fullfils their purpose which is to obstruct the view of a person entering with a bright light (that is until you use r_shadows 0 as spotlights become useless bricks after that). Here is an example, big ups to @Daigestive https://plays.tv/video/5aa146c43ba7b813c3/headglitch


I havent tested the penetrative properties of this spotlight but it should also significantly reduce damage when you shoot trough it (properties are steel) when attempting to kill the defender he/she survives a whole fucking mag while the defender himself has no trouble just one tapping you (just an over exaggerating but you should get what I mean).
Raids are less one sided (T-Sided xdd) where the defenders can no longer just sit behind their unrealistic heavily fortified apartments all day during a shootout.
Better flow/progress of a shootout as you can actually finally push in and still grab a kill or two instead of over extending it into a big fucking ResidentSleeper mess that's less entertaining to watch and participate in than watching Forsen streaming Hearthstone.
players disagreeing as they can only win with shitty unrealistic defences.
More reasons why people would want TFU removed.
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- spotlights make headglitches
- headglitches kill tfu
- do not nerf the swat van

I propose we go more extreme and make everyone build there houses realistically not like bunkers!!!!

Also if this was to be added i believe spotlights should be classified as decorative props so people can still place them within a base to use for there intended purpose.
Also if this was to be added i believe spotlights should be classified as decorative props so people can still place them within a base to use for there intended purpose.
They are basically decorative props since you use them to display items in a shop, removed it from OPfor some reason before posting this but good point sire.

(comment function when)
Big ups.

I feel as though spotlights are constantly being used as an unfair advantage over raiders and should be treated the same as a levitating fence which more or less does the exact same. Defenders can see raiders, but raiders cant see any defenders. Especially headglitching defenders.

@SleepyMode showed me the defence after we raided because I had no clue where I was shot from.

@Garret_Pp brought up a good point saying that it had the same effect as peaking too slowly.

Defenders can see raiders, but raiders cant see any defenders.
That's kind of the whole point with a massive spotlight aimed at the entrance, to blind the raider.
should be treated the same as a levitating fence
With the spotlight, people still have a way to shoot back, the levitating fance cancer back then should not be compared to this, as there would still be a way for you to see your targets

Of course, headglitchers should be punished, but if you just blanket ban all spotlights, people will find something else to put on top of their barricades
but if you just blanket ban all spotlights, people will find something else to put on top of their barricades
I've edited the OP and included "or any object for defensive purposes" to make sure people wont circumvent this with their 200 IQ if this does go trough Admin discussion/implementation, thanks for pointing out.

inb4 people get banned for putting guns on defences
I complete agree, people sitting behind these massive lights is just a constant headglitch. Being behind a cancerous ww2-like barracde aiming your gun at nothing but a door should give enough advantage already.
Why not just ban all props from being used in defending cause we might aswell get to the point at some time.
I mean although i admit they're aids. It's the one thing we have that hasn't been banned by the shitty construction booklet yet. I say let it be, as long as people don't use it to aidsly.
I know it's unfair to the raiders since they have to push to kill the person behind the spotlight... but in all honesty defenders should always get an advantage. And the spotlights are clearly the only one.
I know it's unfair to the raiders since they have to push to kill the person behind the spotlight... but in all honesty defenders should always get an advantage. And the spotlights are clearly the only one.
So you don't consider the barricades blocking any shots below the chest isn't an advantage?
You're completely wrong, raiders don't have to push because someone is using a head glitch its doesn't effect there movements it just makes the defender have a unfair advantage.
I don't see the guy, so i just shot at the light. Bingo, he could apparently see me just fine considering he hit me twice and crippled me with an assault rifle.

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