[Suggestion] New Robbery System for Jennifers.

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Professional Stripper
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Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/new-robbery-system-for-jennifers.34560/

Main Idea:
Allow players to rob the Jennifer store in suburbs or bazaar

Full description of the idea:
When the clerk is gunpointed by criminals, 1 is able to speak to the NPC and attempt a robbery which will have a timer like the bank robbery which is like 3 minutes you must wait inside the Jennifer for before a safe opens which you are able to rob.

The difference between this and bank should be the alarm goes off immediately and the timer needed for the safe to open should be less represented by a smaller reward if done succesfully. You should receive less money per robber than bank but the difficulty should also be less. The couldown for this and bank should be the same and you can't do both in that time.

Why should it be added?: Give more oppertunites for criminal roleplay. Would be useful for smaller orgs or when not many members are on. Creates more roleplay for police and gives everyone another thing they can do on the server.


-More opportunities for roleplay
-Another way to earn cash
-More shootouts

-Can be farmed if there was not a cooldown
-People inside jennifers negatively affected, might need a rule to say they cannot be taken hostage like the bank robbery rule.
I tried to rob the store once, I got a warning for trying to RP it and calling the cops as a civilian ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'd like this
I believe it can be nice addition also you can do it like bank style watches can be spanwed you most pick them quick as possible and sell to a guy that buys them
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I do this 24/7 especially with a nade to see if police are clever enough not to shoot me and make that ez 1k profit
Even if they made it you steal the necklaces and have to give them to an npc 10 minutes later who buys them and launders the money to you. Exactly like bank just less time so less risk
Kind of, then again the bank has much more cover and angles to actually run to. Regals, CG, Shops, Hospital etc. Not many at any of the Jennifers imo, might even be good to be silent until one of you are out of the eye sight of the NPC tbh so that way you are already fleeing and warranted to allow for a more balanced gameplay.
One problem is that the ENTIRE police department will respond to a store robbery and itll be a cancefest idk. maybe make a way so its not instant alarm idk
Maybe by robbing Jennifer’s you’ll be able to rob the necklaces etc rather than robbing cash like the bank and then having to go to a buyer somewhere hidden maybe

Is similar to the bank where you have to go to some guy in hicktown but your just robbing a different item instead of cash I guess
Make it so the glass displays break when attacked as opposed to just jumping on them, and you grab the jewellry, which immediately sets off an alarm and notifies police. Each jewel can then be sold to the drug dealer for 1k a piece.

Typically if a Jewellery store is robbed, security systems will be able to get solid identification of the perpetrators, so an automatic warrant system could be placed on whoever grabs an item of jewellery.

And maybe unlike bank, we could have rules that let us take hostages during these sits? Would love to Snipe the hostage takers Get involved in negotiations, as well as be a hostage taker too.

Alternatively for the jewellery, you could have an NPC at the crane near morons under the water tower who buys the jewellery, as typically, stolen jewellery is smuggled out of its country where it was stolen from if its a recognisable piece to be sold in countries like Dubai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. Where people would buy jewellery for cheap as a lavish luxury or some sort of heirloom (Or just make the drug dealer buy it pog)
Entire police force responding to 1 incident regardless of how major it is will be a persistent problem with ANY sort of crime where a suspect has a decent chance to resist arrest. It won't just be exclusive to this.
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