Super Simple Courier Change - The Suggestion

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Discussion Post:

Main Idea: Change how courier is paid

Full description of the idea: Make it so courier doesn't get paid by the city as it even further discourages players from joining a dead job and doesn't make much sense as clearly s/he is working for a package delivery service and not general mail.

Why should it be added?:
More logical, and slightly less reason to resign from courier when you're playing (Because I hate it when i'm standing there for other players convenience and I'm making less money than I would as unemployed and I'm sure anyone else who actually enjoyed playing courier when it was used could agree on that.)

-Doesn't discourage players from the job
-Could lead to more active couriers, making a nicer experience for shop owners & meth cooks
-Not a drastic change to implement

-None came up during discussion

Other Additions: Make courier recieve more money (Ideally a flat rate as the job doesn't change depending on package value) per package and recieve free gas (Courier loses money by refilling it themselves as they don't make enough money on deliveries to counteract the gas-guzzling truck needing 1.5 grand every 15 minutes).