Swiper's resig- inactivity notice


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Hello there guys! As you've probably noticed, my activity has completely stopped, that's down to a couple of reasons. First of all, my PC is currently sitting in a repair shop who haven't called me about what the issue is. Secondly, as many other members of this community, I have quite a few exams coming up. I have 7 AS exams which are over in June. Best of luck to others which will be having exams this period! But anyway, I hope everyone is alrignt.

Sorry for not posting this earlier!
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I thought you fully resigned first. Anyways goodluck Swiper! You will probably ace your exams
[DOUBLEPOST=1430252191,1430251539][/DOUBLEPOST]On phone cant comment @Swiper The Fox Yeah, i was celebrating first but then... Na but for real meet me on GTA Friday night

i made ths fr u swipr ;(
cum bk to me :(
that face is my fce irl ;[
Don't worry we're all 'alrignt' ;) hope you don't fail your GCSE maths again.
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I know the feels, try and get that Maths paper rekt. 100 percent EZ Mode
See you later, alligator.
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