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Your Steam/In-game Name: JJJackier / Jack Kier

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Synatec / Efua Luxion

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished: So, basically the org page that we were in had a rule that was if you don't give notice to the owners about leaving, then you will be killed. The thing is I actually gave notice yesterday when Wolfyluxion was online. Then today I went into their apartment and he shot me anyways.

He claims I left because of strikes (3 strikes = kick) but those strikes were invalid as the org page didn't have a rule for what I did. Wolfy then decided to update the org page with the rules so those strikes don't take into account.

Evidence (Demo Required): TEXT:
Syñátéc IV ツ STEAM_0:1:71523592 Player killed Citizen JJJackier 2015-08-23 13:04:48
(thx bullyreece)


Tick: 7360
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So Jack, you are butthurt. I already told you! We killed you because you left the org over strikes, so you won't die when you get 3. You told me you left because @WolfyLuxion didn't listen. This is totally valid! I killed you for a valid reason... Did you lose anything, no. So why so butthurt.
I agree with synatec. I was also a part of the situation where we killed Jack for a reason, and the reason is pretty simple : 2 strikes + 1 for leaving without telling the org.
1st strike : Disrespecting org member/staff
2nd strike : Not helping org member/staff when needed.
And the last strike is already told. I don't see why you want to make a ban request on synatec for doing our job as staff members. So listen here, what we do and we have done before. If not telling about leaving or getting 3 strikes = Death + kicked out of the org.
Since you left without telling, will have a reason for me to kill you if that is the right thing.

This is a tricky one. There's obviously been a lot of beef and miscommunication going on between the three parties. I'm going to wholly disregard the whole organization stuff as that's more or less member disputes and should be resolved between members. However, in terms of what happened in the demo, it appears that no roleplay was used when jjjacker was shot - there wasn't really any reason to kill him and no roleplay entailed as to your reason of why you killed him. Take what I say with a pinch of salt because this is how I'm interpreting it; a breach of 3.3 Realistic Actions. I'm not going to place any support or anything, I just hope my contribution may help.
There's obviously some clear miscommunication as @Acerius said here, the fact that he got killed over leaving? To me, that's fine - I completely do understand that when in a role of power, and someone leaves your organisation you feel betrayed by this unloyal person therefore death is sometimes a common result. Even if the rule on the organisation page isn't listed, it's still something you risk by joining a mass organisation who commit daily crimes.
You had left the organisation yet came to the apartment, just walked in and even asked for keys. You didn't think that they were mad for you leaving? You completely dis-regarded that fact, yet walked in as normal.

You were killed over being un-loyal, and overall the kill was valid. I'd suggest Synatec does not kill you again, of course; however what Synatec did in that situation was valid.
- Removed. Due to me getting two similar situations mixed up. I will have a look at the demo and reply after -
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As @AyJay said "You were killed over being un-loyal, and overall the kill was valid" you should have known that it was valid since it is. Have you ever seen the movie "Assassins"? Basically what happens is that the main character (hitman) wants to retire. He tells his main contracter this, and he doesn't sound happy. Now he wants him dead and hires another hitman to do the job. Basically @Synatec felt that you were un loyalty and no longer needed, with the possibility of you leaking what they're doing in the organization he took care of it by killing you.


As stated above by @AyJay , you were killed for being un-loyal towards your organisation, which is indeed a valid reason for them to murder you.​
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