Test edit

You kept overusing that twitch effect but you are aware of that yourself black bars made this look digusting due to the fov not being wide enough IMO next time, record the demo in csgo again but use a wider fov and a different viewmodel then the black bars will look nicer.
Since I assume you were just testing out stuff it's good to experiment don't mind the other people that are straight up roasting ur edit just continue, editing is a lot of fun once you get into it.

If u have any questions feel free to pm me, i've been editing csgo and and cod and all that for pretty long so I guess I know some things that could help
The FOV fucked up for some reason when I used the effect. I didn't understand why.
use in game audio and edit more to match the beat or back off and don't try to make such cancerous edits. right now it just seems kind of awkward that the clips go on for several seconds when they should really only be one or two apiece depending on the amount of kills.
  1. Music just doesn't work with the video or the theme of CS altogether I believe personally
  2. You use generic preset variables for the same effect over and over again. You aren't making the effects work with the motion of what is going on in the video
  3. The effects are meant to FUCKING AMPLIFY THE FEELING OF THAT FUCKING SHOT MATE SICK ONE. These are just odd Iridescent and shaking.
  4. Too much black. You are using text wrong and the animation for it is wrong.
I personally don't really appreciate CS edits but I understand the appeal of it and use of it to learn editing skills.

Also reset your CSGO to get rid of horrible text colour edits. And add motion blur.
Yea that's where you're going wrong.
See it like this :
You have your clip with 80 fov,
You playing black bars over it is just gonna decrease the ''fov'' kind of,
I fixed the FOV because it does that. It was fine but then when I added the effect it did that again
You asked for it.

Black screen for fucking ages, makes you not want to watch it at all, boring as fuck. Seriously.

Then we go ahead and watch some edgy as fucking shitty effect that makes no sense at all to use, it just makes it harder to see the actual frags in the video, then back to some stupid fucking black screen again, like legit? is that what we want to see?
Less than 30 secs of clips and the only editing you did was the shitty glitch effect and cutting the clips. My nan can edit better than this and shes been dead for 8 years.
this really reminds me of Shokron
You know what edits I like? those that don't have overdone effects e.g. chromatic aberration or other edgy shit that makes me wanna barf just by looking at it. There are simple edits that look high resolution with a good color balance that doesn't overdo effects and only use simple pan effects for transitions/before showing the actual kills clip. You can include slow mo but don't over do it.

There is also this thing called Srcdemo2 that records your demo files in any resolution you want, there is also one for CS:GO that comes with shaders or effects but I don't know where to find it anymore. It also has motion blur and some other stuff you can try out.
this really reminds me of Shokron
You know what edits I like? those that don't have overdone effects e.g. chromatic aberration or other edgy shit that makes me wanna barf just by looking at it. There are simple edits that look high resolution with a good color balance that doesn't overdo effects and only use simple pan effects for transitions/before showing the actual kills clip. You can include slow mo but don't over do it.

There is also this thing called Srcdemo2 that records your demo files in any resolution you want, there is also one for CS:GO that comes with shaders or effects but I don't know where to find it anymore. It also has motion blur and some other stuff you can try out.
Yeah I dont like those effects either, I usually never use them. T H I S I S A T E S T