Thank you Fredy and the Perpheads team

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By now I’m pretty sure most of us have seen bub games new video ( if not :
) We should thank the owners for not following the path of other servers with extreme price gouging and sketchy/scammy practices , I think that Perpheads is the only server that is not extremely money hungry atm , hopefully the video deters more servers from doing this but we all know it most likely won’t
By now I’m pretty sure most of us have seen bub games new video ( if not :
) We should thank the owners for not following the path of other servers with extreme price gouging and sketchy/scammy practices , I think that Perpheads is the only server that is not extremely money hungry atm , hopefully the video deters more servers from doing this but we all know it most likely won’t
I agree maybe bub games not everyone cup of tea but this was a excellent video highlighting huge un regulated side of the internet which scams so many young people
Not gonna lie but i thought about Perpheads the entire time as i was watching this video how he dismantle absolute Absurdity to pay for things that we take for common sense to have.
The first thought that popped into my head was PERP... Sure we pay for that monthly fee, but then again.. it's also very accessible to those who can't spare the 5€ per month, since you can make that money within a day quite easily...
the way PERPHeads is designed in regards to VIP and donator rank is genius to be honest. If you want to use real money yourself it's only 5$ for a slight boost in game. If you can't afford it you make 100k in under an hour of gameplay with coca and meth then that's done. It rewards the player for playing the game by allowing players to trade in-game cash to players who ARE willing to donate so in the end the server is kept supported with donations, players who don't have money but are active still can get VIP and players who sell VIP get money faster for a cheap price whilst at the same time not breaking the economy.