The Arnolds Applications


Reaction score

IC Name:
Bank Balance:
Why Do You Want To Join?:
Willing To Change Ur Name?:
Additional Comments:​
Name: Zoephix
IC Name: Michael Newman

Bank Balance: 770K
Vehicle: Aston Martin Rapide

Why Do You Want To Join?: I am looking for a new organization where I can become dedicated to. Because "Ironside" recently got disbanded, I am currently not in any organization.

Willing To Change Ur Name?: Yes
Additional Comments: None
Name: curak
IC Name: Peter Sharinglot
Bank Balance: 270K
Vehicle: RoseGold Mercedes E63 AMG and Ford Transit
Why Do You Want To Join?: +I need an organisation, that behaves seriously but where i can also make a lot of fun when possible.
Willing To Change Ur Name?: Yes, if the org doesn't kick me out after doing it.
Additional Comments: pls don't kick everyone out again after a week, kinda annoying and costs me a lot
Name: Mango
IC Name: Jay Rothwell
Bank Balance: 400k
Vehicle: La Ferrari
Why Do You Want To Join?: Want something to do because perp is boring aside from cop
Willing To Change Ur Name?: Why not
Additional Comments: N/A
IC Name: Dylan Rusell
Bank Balance: 471k bouta spend it all on guns and got more money in drugs
Vehicle: Currently Cadillac but will be getting a better vehicle soon
Why Do You Want To Join?: Just want a decent org to join and play with when playing civ and have a good time
Willing To Change Ur Name?: Sure
Additional Comments: Nah
Name: Stormz
IC Name: Scott Andrews
Bank Balance: 200k ish
Vehicle: Raptor
Why Do You Want To Join?: Currently orgless and want to join an org where I can help them whenever possible, whether that be crafting. Anyone can use my car, cause I'm not bothered in anyone taking it. Want to have a bit of a laugh aswell
Willing To Change Ur Name?: Sure
Additional Comments: Thanks for looking at my app
IC Name:
-Toby James
Bank Balance:
-100K, Lots of money in ammo that I still need to sell.
- BMW M6, Double upgraded, Spoiler. Dark Red colour
Why Do You Want To Join?:
- I am wanting to join an org. I was in an org which got disbanded over night. I then joined a random org that was temporarily. And now im looking for an actual good org which I can base with and maybe even go on with more crafting. I am active, Especially this holidays, i will be online almost all the time. I also just want an org that is loyal.
Willing To Change Ur Name?:
- Yeah, It would Toby Arnolds.
Additional Comments:
- No.
Name: Qyndryx
IC Name: Brooke Bealin
Bank Balance: 300K
Vehicle: Skyline R34
Why Do You Want To Join?: Need some friends to cut about with, game is boring as shit alone.
Willing To Change Ur Name?: Definitely.