The Avito has been an organisation which has been around since Paralake was first built.
The Avito was originally founded by the following people:-
Lewis Doman
Ash Anderson
& Ben Walker.

Be able to craft in the organisation in peace without being bothered by anyone.
The organisation offers a secure warehouse, houses and stores for anyone who wants to craft in peace.

Make money from our secure businesses, housing and industries which we can afford to run, the organisation will allow you to become the richest you've ever been.

Current active members:
MrAaron - Aaron Doman
MrLewis - Lewis Doman
What happens when I join?:
When you join The Avito you will be handed a card which states which rank you will join upon arrival to the organisation. You will then be told the current base and from there you decide how you make a name for yourself in the Organisation.
How do I join?:
If you are well known by the founders of the Organisation then you will be invited upon asking, if you're not known then you have to either speak to the founders in-game or apply on the forums (application will be done every day varying on how active I am)
Applications can be found here : https://perpheads.com/threads/the-avito-applications.22295/

Organisation Rules:
- Never disrespect anyone in the Organisation, don't treat a class lower than you like 'scum'
- Always have a firearm present on you when basing, you need to ready for the worst.
- Never talk ill of a Founder of a organisation.
- If you are found giving enemy organisations information about your base to help another organisation succeed in raiding, you will be kicked from the org.
- Always follow orders given to you by either an Assistant Founder or a Founder.
- Always be loyal to this organisation and no other.

Work hard and show you're a team player and you will be awarded depending on how well you do in the organisation.

Fuck the rest join the best.