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The Avito was originally founded by the following people:-
Lewis Doman
Ash Anderson
& Ben Walker.
We are an Organization dedicated to purely criminal based activitys. We strive to cause as much Havoc and Chaos as we possiably can.
History Behind The Organsation:
The Avito all started out when Lewis, Ash and Ben were discussing the possiability of creating an Organisation in a small city known as Evo City. After failing misserably they decided to branch away and move into the new and wonderful city of Paralake, a quite big, yet peaceful town. But behind all of that was a collection of Bank robberys, muggings, police shootouts and finally underground fight clubs. The Avito founders wanted a piece of this, they wanted to experience what it would be like to run a big Organisation and see how far they could get.
The ranking system:
There is a simple three ranking system:
1st Class: (Very trusted members, doing there upmost to aid the organisation. They have a huge say in what members do what, which members should be ranked up, and finally, who is under-performing and should be 'removed' from the organisation)
2nd Class: (Trusted members, very well known with the organisation leaders, they aid their higher ranked peers in what they need doing, whether that be scouting people out or even killing them)
3rd Class: (New people to the Organisation, they need to prove themselves to keep their place in the organisation, they do the same as 2nd Class however they aren't as trusted with 'bigger' tasks)
Assistant Founder: (After people have worked their way up to 1st Class they have a minimal chance of becoming the Assistant of one of the founders. Bare in mind this is a very hard rank to achieve and you need to show that you have a lot of potential to hold a rank as big as this. This also gives the person that is picked for it all the same powers that a normal Founder would have, whether that be to authorize a raid, commit a bank robbery, or even make the decision to kick someone from the organisation. There is also only 3 Slots for this rank as there are only 3 Founders.)
What happenes when I join?:
When you join The Avito you will be handed a card which states which Class you will join upon arrival to the organisation. You will then be told the current base and from there you decide how you make a name for yourself in the Organisation.
When joining the organisation all organisation members are expected to wear clothing that matches the scheme of 'Black and White' and or 'White and Black' This is not negotiable as it represents the colours of peace and colours of darkness and despair. This excludes Founders
How do I join?:
If you are well known by the founders of the Organisation then you will be invited upon asking, if you're not known then you have to either speak to the founders in-game or apply on the forums (application will be done every day varying on how active I am)
Applications can be found here : https://perpheads.com/threads/the-avito-applications.6383/#post-52549
Lewis Doman
Assistant Founders:
1st Class:
2nd Class:
3rd Class:
Symmachíes (Alliances) :
Amoivaía (Mutual):
Echthroí (Enemies) :
- Never disrespect anyone in the Organisation, don't treat a class lower than you like 'scum'
- Always have a firearm present on you when basing, you need to ready for the worst.
- Never talk ill of a Founder of a organisation.
- If you are found stealing from other organization members you will be executed and kicked from the organisation, This includes stealing drugs, Weapons, Cars, ect.
- If you are found giving enemy organizations information about your base to help another organisation succeed in raiding, you will be executed and kicked from the org.
- Committing such an act that could be classed as a 'Criminal act' without any type of Founder's permission, will lead to execution and immediate 'evacuation' from the organisation.
- Always follow orders given to you by either an Assistant Founder or a Founder.
- Always be loyal to this organisation and no other.
Direct breach of any of the above organisation rules will lead to an immediate execution and 'evacuation' from the organisation.
"Méchri o thánatos na mas cho̱rísei." - "Till death do us part."
If you fail to follow organisation rules, and or leave the organisation, then you will be executed.
If you fail to follow organisation rules, and or leave the organisation, then you will be executed.
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