The Bounty Hunters

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The Bounty Hunters

"You can run, you may be able to hide but when the bounty hunters are in town,
the only place you can hide is jail"

Who are we?

We are the bounty hunters and we hunt down criminals with bounties on their heads,
or in England we hunt down "wanted" people. We moved from Austrailia because compared to paralake, there is not a lot of crime and we have come here to give our selves a challenge and hunt down wanted people or immigrants. We work with the paralake police department and get involved with raids who have wanted criminals inside, then we would do the honours and hand them in for possibly a small fee, unless it wasn't our find and sometimes we do work for free if we have got sufficient pay from that day.

How can we identify you?

You can identify us because we were a strict uniform; the uniform is made up of the following:

Completely black leather jacket
Completely black under shirt
Black or blue jeans
Black of any formal shoes
The only accessories that can be worn are the following:
Only white aviators

We also have a custom badge on our jacket so it is easy to recognise us:


We are strict with accessories due to they can be a big distraction when raiding as if you had a top hat it could distract you in some shape or form when in the middle of a shootout for example. The other reason why we don't go around like chavs is because we would look informal and it would give our organisations a bad reputation.

Are there any rules or guidelines to your organisations?

We do not have many rules in our organisation but we do have a few very strict guidelines you must follow; which are the following:

Strictly speaking, all bounty hunters must wear the correct and exact uniform at all times, we want to look our best as formal workers but we don't go round in suits as that would not benefit us as if it was around 30 degrees and we were in suits it can distract us from our duty and it can affect our work or shooting majorly which could lose us our suspect and case
Sanction - First time you will be issued a written warning, second time you will be fired.

You may not gain a criminal record as we wish to work with the police department to identify criminals, so technically speaking you could be an employee and a criminal so we would have to hunt our own employee down.
Sanction - Fired straight away. If you still have a wanted level, we will hand you in.

Disrespectful or discriminative language towards any individual that is associated with the police department will not be tolerated at any time and we have a zero tolerence policy in our organisation so if you broke the zero tolerence policy then you will automatically receive the sanction.
Sanction - Fired instantly. May not re-apply to join again as we have zero tolerence for this.

Do you have a headquarters?

Yes, indeed we do have a headquarters. We are currently located at The Office.
We have chosen The Office as our place of work due to the fact it fits our needs. We have loads of needs for our organisation:

We need a large working area and different rooms so we can assign each bounty hunter a personal office for privacy and work reasons.

We need an interview room to have interviews with superior officers throughout the police department.

And we have many more classified reasons that you may be able to find out if you are employed to be a bounty hunter.

Do you have a ranking system within the team?

Yes, we do. Here is the following ranking system for the bounty hunters team in order of importance:

Chief Bounty Hunter
Deputy-Chief Bounty Hunter
Captain Bounty Hunter
Senior Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter
Recruit Bounty Hunter

Are you associated with any other organisation/government jobs?

We are associated with the paralake police department, however currently there is a PLPD Manhunt team that we wish to assiocate with and this currnet text will be changed if an alliance has been made. We are similar to the PLPD Manhunt team, however we are an organisation and they aren't and they are an official team, we aren't as of now however by doing our good work we are hoping to be made official in the paralake police department. The difference is that we are very sophisticated and dedicated in order to catch our criminals and we are in service everyday, with the PLPD Manhunt team we can replace them with our team when they have finished their shift for the day. We are also very experienced with catching wanted people as we have been doing it since the legal age as I, Jonathan Good was the one who created the team back in Austrailia, however that's a story for a different time.

We will not make enemies throughout our organisations as that benefits neither of us and if we were enemies we would have to break the law to have gun fights, etc. So therefore we are not going to be making enemies anyway as that's not we came here for and we're not some mafia organisation who makes enemies 24/7, we are against that and we wish for that to stop by catching wanted criminals.

How can we be recruited to join the team?

You can be recruited to join the team here. You just have to pass an application process, if successful you will be moved on and trained to become a full time bounty hunter.

Here is the application process:

1) Read all the rules and check if you meet the basic standards.
2) Pass an application examination.
3) Pass an interview at the office.
4) You have been made a recruit bounty hunter, prove that you are worthy to be a full-time bounty hunter by fulfilling your duties and then you may/may not earn a promotion. If you do not earn a promotion within a week of earning your recruit rank then you will be fired from the job as we do not think you're ready. Don't worry, you can re-do the application process and try again though!


The Bounty Hunters 05/05/2016​
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Setting my timer for how long it takes for someone to rip this org and make a similar one called booty hunters. To be honest I would be more afraid of them really.

We at GENSEC Security Industries welcome the idea of clearing crime from the streets of Paralake and would like to aid you in your troubles. We can provide surveillence within our industry and would happily make business with your organisation. Please contact our CEO for further details.

Lmao why would you make a org called "Bounty Hunters". When you can't even put bounty's on someone or something in that way. If you want to go hunt people with bounty's go play gta lol
I am delighted to inform you that "The Bounty Hunters" has passed the page inspection for illegal content and has been awarded a certificate. This was a request from the organisation owner, you can have your own organisation page checked by opening a private message using the details provided on our website. I would further like to add we are happy to help out with any close protection security matters that your organisation may face during its operation.


The Bounty Hunters 05/05/2016​
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