The Chosen Family

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IKEA - Northern Europe

The Chosen Family leaders;

John Daymon - Founder, Division - Recruitment
Jacob William - Founder, Division - Recruitment and Defense
Abdi Abdullah - Founder, Division - Recruitment and Offense



The Organisation is put up in three divsions, two which you can apply for and one which you can get promoted to. You can apply for Defense and Offense, however you can only be promoted to the recruitment division.




Members in the chosen family has to wear these clothes, however exceptions can be made. But the F is a must and cannot be removed.



The Recruitment Division is the section of the organisation who deals with applications and aswell take reports about members.

John Daymon
Jacob William
Abdi Abdullah



The Offense Division is the part of the organisation that deals with raids, ambushes and such.

Division Leader: Abdi Abdullah

Josef Manner
Alabin Lundmark
Lewis Doman
Jian Huan



The defense part of the organisation is the one dealing with the relations of the organization aswell crafting firearms, building defenses and such.

Division Leader; Jacob William
Division Leader; Kenneth Walker

Members; Andreas Wiese



No raids shall be done if they're not authorized by atleast 2 members in the offense divison
No mugging will be done if the organization is not in a war with the person being mugged.

When you've joined The Chosen Family you cannot get out, the only way out is the end of you days due to you knowing to much about the family.
No stealing within the organisations shall be done, if this is done you will stripped off your rank which will also mean that it's the end of your days.
No form of bullying within the organization is accepted.
If an organisation member ask's for help, you shall help them.
All information is given from the division leaders, if it's given by someone else do NOT trust them.


If any organization/family wishes an alliance pact with The Chosen Family they are needed to contact the Defense division leader. When they get contacted they will decide if it's an instant Accept / Deny or if we will look into the organization.

The Bishop Brothers


Applications shall be done here


Thread is not fully done yet.

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Under certain circumstances The Chosen Family have decided to terminate the alliance between the two organizations due to The Outlaws being to inactive. No agreements between the organizations will be made.

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The Chosen Few and The Bishop Brothers have come to an agreement with an alliance pact. If any problems runs up with this pact it will be terminated directly and no dealing between the families will ever be accepted.

The Chosen Few is declaring a war against The Outlaws this is due to their actions against
our members.

The war will go on until The Outlaws decides to give up.
I applied, i got a questino though, do i need to have high firearms level? Cause i need to save up for a lamborghini. or mclaren f1, p1.
Post removed due to it breaking forum rule number 5) Unnecesarry Posting

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