The Clemenza Family

In-Character Name:
Emils Alfredovich
Out-of-Character Name:
Total Playtime:
about 250h on this server
How active are you on the server?:
almost everyday
When are you online?:
(GMT+2) around 17-23/00
VIP (Yes/No):
Previous Organizations:
M.O.B, monkey business
Net Worth (Cash, Cars, items)
around 1mil
Discord Username:
What role are you looking to fulfil in this org?
I can raid, I can grow, I can mug, I have a pretty good aim
In-Character Name:
Emils Alfredovich
Out-of-Character Name:
Total Playtime:
about 250h on this server
How active are you on the server?:
almost everyday
When are you online?:
(GMT+2) around 17-23/00
VIP (Yes/No):
Previous Organizations:
M.O.B, monkey business
Net Worth (Cash, Cars, items)
around 1mil
Discord Username:
What role are you looking to fulfil in this org?
I can raid, I can grow, I can mug, I have a pretty good aim
Added on Discord.
In-Character Name: Ismael kashmiri-sumbul

Out-of-Character Name: Toby

Total Playtime: 2 months

How active are you on the server?: Im banned right now, shit tragic new patek.

When are you online?: In 2 months

VIP (Yes/No): No

Previous Organizations: Bloodhounds, 1%, Legacy, Mercia, Black Glove, Salamanca family, Gentlemensclub, Aldi süd, The saints, Snitch killers, The pyramid schemers, Commando, Poseidon, The red family, Koboyashi family, Hoodrats, Satael, 24k triad, Waypo, Office gang, ASDA, 16:9, Teamspeak users, The rats, The bloods, The crips, The vagos, The ballers, Forum gangsters aka FDF, Pinguins, Free norman, Bad apples and Udam.

Net Worth (Cash, Cars, items) Mini Cooper, For transit and a couple guns.

Discord Username: Tobi/Tobilix

What role are you looking to fulfil in this org? Im good at putting in the seeds in the planter boxes and waiting for them to grow, im not very good at pvp.

In-Character Name: Dont remember i change it everyweek

Out-of-Character Name: micbib

Total Playtime: 3 weeks and 2 days

How active are you on the server?: yes

When are you online?: sometimes

VIP (Yes/No): No PLZ BUY:banghead:

Previous Organizations: Coreleone Industries, Gambino Crime family, mazda, Orange Way

Net Worth (Cash, Cars, items) Sold my cars to the slotmachines

Discord Username: micbib

What role are you looking to fulfil in this org? i am verygood at tking and i can shoot bad people to:)
In-Character Name: Brandon Curington

Out-of-Character Name: llewtoN

Total Playtime: 14 days

How active are you on the server?: was active 5 months ago I had a break and now I'm back to play everyday

When are you online?: after school so from 4-5pm to 10-11 and and weekends always(UTC+1)

VIP (Yes/No): yes

Previous Organizations: don't remember

Net Worth (Cash, Cars, items) Audi r8 plus, 200k rn, and a bit of guns

Discord Username: defonotq__

What role are you looking to fulfil in this org? Pvp