In-Character Name: Nate Jones
Out-of-Character Name: Nate
Total Playtime: coupla months like 3 i suppose
How active are you on the server?: Rarely
When are you online?: Once in a blue moon
VIP (Yes/No): nah
Previous Organizations: ASDA, Olsen Banden, IRB, The Smurfs, olsen banden, ols3n band3n, ASDA, town hall 13, olense
Net Worth (Cash, Cars, items) 13mil at least
What role are you looking to fulfil in this org? Driller/Hard Man, the cool guy
A bit about me: Ever since I was a little boy I always wanted to be a driller, you guys are really cool and i hope i can base and raid wiv yous

i am the most feared man in all of paralakev5 and that is a nate jones guarantee
if anyone starts shit on us i will personally

sort them out (F*UCK ASDA and F***cK MUD PEARSE
@Max )
my favourite songs are all the drill ones
View attachment 16257(Picture of me for reference ( flipping off the tfu))
I think this could be our banner
Thank you for reading i hope i make the cut
- love nate jones