The Diamond Knuckle Syndicate Applications

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Reaction score

Your application needs to be serious and contain enough information for us to be able understand who you are and what you really are capable of.

Your Steam Name:
Your Ingame Name:
Playtime within the server:
Special skills that you inquire:
Amount of money currently owned:
Vehicles that you own:
Weapon Arsenal:
Firearms Level:
VIP or Non-Vip:

Finally tell us a little about yourself:
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Your Steam Name: George =)
Your SteamID: N/A
Playtime within the server: 1 week, 1 day
Special skills that you inquire: Im good with a firearm, i know how to properly defend a base with props and barricades. I know how to be independent and get myself out of trouble when needed. ETC.
Vehicles that you own: Ford Transit (good trunk space, good for org's in general).
Weapon Arsenal: M4's, Ak's, Spas 12's, M9's, An M82.
Crafting Level:firearms is currently 20, crafting is 7.
VIP or Non-Vip: VIP

Finally tell us a little about yourself, I am just a normal old man from the hood, moving to paralake for a better future, can be really crazy sometimes, but in a good way.
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family: Because even though it may not sound like it, i am experienced with a firearm, i know how to raid and defend, i can be independent if needed. I am not a liability, and i think i am perfect for this organization.
Your Steam Name: Weazel.
Your SteamID:
Playtime within the server: 1 Month +
Special skills that you inquire: I can drive over Matt
Vehicles that you own: Lamborghini Reventón Roadster
Weapon Arsenal: Rifles Sniper SMG Pistols Shotguns basically all
Crafting Level: 50
VIP or Non-Vip: Non-Vip

Finally tell us a little about yourself,
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family: I am a young man that likes to drive around his car.
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Your Steam Name: George =)
Your SteamID: N/A
Playtime within the server: 1 week, 1 day
Special skills that you inquire: Im good with a firearm, i know how to properly defend a base with props and barricades. I know how to be independent and get myself out of trouble when needed. ETC.
Vehicles that you own: Ford Transit (good trunk space, good for org's in general).
Weapon Arsenal: M4's, Ak's, Spas 12's, M9's, An M82.
Crafting Level:firearms is currently 20, crafting is 7.
VIP or Non-Vip: VIP

Finally tell us a little about yourself, I am just a normal old man from the hood, moving to paralake for a better future, can be really crazy sometimes, but in a good way.
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family: Because even though it may not sound like it, i am experienced with a firearm, i know how to raid and defend, i can be independent if needed. I am not a liability, and i think i am perfect for this organization.
Accepted, meet james miller ingame.
Your Steam Name: Weazel.
Your SteamID:
Playtime within the server: 1 Month +
Special skills that you inquire: I can drive over Matt
Vehicles that you own: Lamborghini Reventón Roadster
Weapon Arsenal: Rifles Sniper SMG Pistols Shotguns basically all
Crafting Level: 50
VIP or Non-Vip: Non-Vip

Finally tell us a little about yourself,
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family: I am a young man that likes to drive around his car.
Accepted, meet james miller ingame.
  • Your Steam Name: JxnAlx
    Your Ingame Name: Jeremiah Anderson
    Playtime within the server: 2 Weeks
    Special skills that you inquire: I eat ass at very high speeds.
    Vehicles that you own: Noble M600
    Weapon Arsenal: Ni️️a whatever I can afford.
    Crafting Level: 20
    VIP or Non-Vip: VIP

    Finally tell us a little about yourself,
    Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Your Steam Name: TimThriller^_^
Your Ingame Name: James Miller
Playtime within the server: 1months+
Special skills that you inquire: veri good shooter
Vehicles that you own: mclaren p1
Weapon Arsenal: m4a1 sr25
Crafting Level: 117
VIP or Non-Vip: vip
Your Steam Name: Jesse Pinkman
Your Ingame Name: James Ghost
Playtime within the server: 2 weeks
Special skills that you inquire: I can play piano with my dick
Vehicles that you own: A van that says free candy
Crafting Level: around 20-22
VIP or Non-Vip: Non-Vip

Finally tell us a little about yourself, Im a pedophile that likes to rape
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family: I come from Niger and i need a family that i can rape i mean that i can grow with and raid people.
Your Steam Name: Sorle
Your Ingame Name: Alfa Watson
Playtime within the server: 4 days, but I first played in October 2016.
Special skills that you inquire: I can sexually abuse Sarah Knight and I'm pretty good at shooting
Vehicles that you own: Ford Transit, working towards Cadillac Escalade
Weapon Arsenal: Sawed-Off Shotgun, going to purchase a few M4's and grind my firearms.
Crafting Level: 10 very close to 11.
VIP or Non-Vip: VIP

Finally tell us a little about yourself,
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family:

I'm a yung boi who has made money quick. I've started making money on my own and I am beginning to grind my firearms. I have a very good understanding of the economy and how to actually play the game, considering my short time played. You should consider me as I'm generally a strong player who will do his best to help out the org.
Your Steam Name: Michael
Your Ingame Name: Michael Daily (need to change it)
Playtime within the server: Over 24 hours
Special skills that you inquire: Pretty good at shooting; quick learner and good at role-playing and getting out of sticky situations.
Vehicles that you own: As of right now none; I didn't want to buy a mini-cooper and look like a sweater instead I'm going to save up for a better car.
Weapon Arsenal: At the moment only got a HK, because I just lost my M9 and my MP5, but I got 40k ish which I'm willing to spend on more weapons when people sell some.
Crafting Level: 5
VIP or Non-Vip: Non-Vip but I will be purchasing it soon.

Finally tell us a little about yourself,
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family: I think you should consider me into the family because I know Alfa Watson (Sorle), and am a friend of his for quite a while, where we have both been doing quite the money-making. I have good insight of how things work here, and came from a different community where role-play is heavy, I will also be working on marksmanship to help me with sub/auto machine guns, because currently the recoil on those is really heavy. I hope you accept me into the family.
Your Steam Name: bunny <3
Your Ingame Name: jhonny weissmuller
Playtime within the server: 1 moth +
Special skills that you inquire: not retart, well connected, good talker
Vehicles that you own: mercedes mlg
Weapon Arsenal: bunch of weapons
Crafting Level: crafting 8, firearms 115
VIP or Non-Vip: VIP


Your Steam Name: heisenberg
Your Ingame Name: leon jennings
Playtime within the server:1 week
Special skills that you inquire: great at shooting/im good at

commutation/and a fast learner
Vehicles that you own:ford transit
Weapon Arsenal:bunch of things
Crafting Level:8/8
VIP or Non-Vip: vip
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Your Steam Name: Luksoni
Your Ingame Name: Luke Smith
Playtime within the server: 5 days
Special skills that you inquire: being lazy
Vehicles that you own: mini cause im a savage but im gonna buy a new car very soon
Weapon Arsenal: pretty much none
Crafting Level: 8, firearms 19
VIP or Non-Vip: VIP

Finally tell us a little about yourself,
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family: Athena's a great friend of mine.Anddd yeah thats pretty much it.
Your Steam Name: Gleich da
Your Ingame Name: Juan Ambarto
Playtime within the server: 2 years/3 weeks playtime
Special skills that you inquire: a Really good aim, and ill make people like sarah kennedy rage quite ^^
Vehicles that you own:Hudson
Weapon Arsenal: alot but mostlikly sold, but i can rebuy/craft it
Crafting Level:8/8
VIP or Non-Vip:Vip

Finally tell us a little about yourself,
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family: I am a German/Austrian guy that likes to play perp, i consider myself more as a raider not a Defender but i still defend like an Tiger in the WW2.
Your Steam Name: RenegadeSlav.
Your Ingame Name: Yosif Gopnik.
Playtime within the server: 4 weeks.
Special skills that you inquire: Firearms level 114
Vehicles that you own: Porsche Cayenne 2012 (yellow), upgraded twice.
Weapon Arsenal: 7x AK-101 and some extra weapons.
Crafting Level: 8.
VIP or Non-Vip: VIP.

Finally tell us a little about yourself,
Where you come from and why we should consider you into our family:
I come from the Guerilla Nation, but to be honest, it's a bad and greedy organisation. My friend Gleich Da was kicked out after he was talking with the president about the fact that juan was doing everything for the organisation but that the organisation didn't do anything for him. (which is totally true). And as a very good friend, i support my friend's decission and we both would like to apply for a better organisation. I can make y'all some nice weapons and Gleich Da is AMAZING at raiding and defending.
Your Steam Name: ShadowTyler
Your Ingame Name: Tyler Anderson
Playtime within the server: 2 weeks
Special skills that you inquire: got op aim with berreta m9
Amount of money currently owned:150k
Vehicles that you own: earning for new car
Weapon Arsenal: 2x ak 47
Firearms Level: 18
Riflemarksmanship: 13
Pistolmarksmanship/Submachinegun: 22
VIP or Non-Vip: non today iwill buy one
Your Steam Name: Same
Your Ingame Name: Richard Tate
Playtime within the server: 10 Hours
Special skills that you inquire: Driving, shooting
Amount of money currently owned: 40,000
Vehicles that you own: glock 18c
Weapon Arsenal: Ak47, glock 18c
Firearms Level: 2
Riflemarksmanship: 1
Pistolmarksmanship/Submachinegun: 2
Shotgunmarksmanship: 1
VIP or Non-Vip: Non-vip (I'm saving towards one)

Finally tell us a little about yourself: I used to play on a santos server, after the owner was a retarded cunt, I left and joined this community
Your Steam Name: Fintuss
Your Ingame Name: Fintuss Fintsson
Playtime within the server: 1 week+
Special skills that you inquire: Good aim, tend to fight off raiders quite easily
Amount of money currently owned: 1,4 mil
Vehicles that you own: Volvo Turbo
Weapon Arsenal: 3 ak's, double barrel, remington, 2 m4's
Firearms Level: 15
Riflemarksmanship: 18
Pistolmarksmanship/Submachinegun: 19 / 4
Shotgunmarksmanship: 8
VIP or Non-Vip: VIP

Finally tell us a little about yourself:
[/QUOTE] Originally came from guerilla nation, got bored of it and was looking for a new org, found out two of my friends had joined this org, so I wanted to come along.
Your Steam Name: Deezy
Your Ingame Name: Gavin Crawford
Playtime within the server: 5 days
Special skills that you inquire: Willing to do whatever I am told. I am quickly growing my firearms level, and focusing on building my weapons arsenal. I also have good aim, and willingness to take shots that people find impossible.
Amount of money currently owned: 100,000. Just bought a lot of material for crafting. Will go up soon.
Vehicles that you own: 1 fully upgraded Scion FRS. Quick and easy car for gettaways
Weapon Arsenal: 3 shotguns (Double barrel), 2 beretta m9's, one glock 17. Buying AK's and M4's soon.
Firearms Level: 8. I just started grinding it up. It was 3 this morning.
Riflemarksmanship: 2. I rarely used rifles in the past
Pistolmarksmanship/Submachinegun: 10
Shotgunmarksmanship: 5
VIP or Non-Vip: VIP

Finally tell us a little about yourself: I am a man just making his way through life. Everyday's mission is to aquire currency, and improve my living. I strive to increase my crafting levels, and firearm levels everyday. With this being said, I have to make risky decisions. Those decisions typically are not legal. If you decide to accept me into the organization, I will do what I am told. Even if the mission seems impossible. By the time you read this application, my crafting level and firearms level will be a lot higher. Thank you.
Your Steam Name: Rhys
Your Ingame Name: Rhys Rodriguez
Playtime within the server:1 week
Special skills that you inquire: I am a good shooter and I am able to defend a base. I am also a good getaway driver when we need to do the business.
Amount of money currently owned: currently in bank: $244,357
Vehicles that you own: Range Rover
Weapon Arsenal: AUG, and about to go and buy some m4s soon.
Firearms Level:13 (I'm currently investing into this so that I am able to make some guns for me and maybe my future org.)
Rifle marksmanship:35
Pistol marksmanship/Submachinegun:14
VIP or Non-Vip: VIP

Finally, tell us a little about yourself: Well, I trying every day to get my currency higher in my bank. I am always in the city finding things to do. I am a person who can bond with someone very good and I am able to make a good friendship with people in my org. I have been in a few previous orgs such as The Exiles, Les Reines, and Guerilla Nation and The country club. I think that I was a very trusted person within the orgs and I think that you can trust me.

Something I would like to say: I know that my Marksmen ship and firearms etc are not the best, but I would like to take this opportunity if I get into the org to improve it and have better marksmen ship etc In the near future.
Your Steam Name:palohdi
Your Ingame Name:Ben Niko
Playtime within the server:2 Weeks
Special skills that you inquire:Im a good mugger and raided
Amount of money currently owned:60k
Vehicles that you own:Essclade
Weapon Arsenal:shotguns,Pistold and rifles
Firearms Level:35
VIP or Non-Vip:Non-vip and saving up

Finally tell us a little about yourself:I play perp nearly everyday.I am a regular player and would love to join a org that is acctually ACTIVE!!!I am a very nice person and would love to make new friends.
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