
10 years ago, a small group of us migrated from Hong Kong due to the lack of money and rising crime. We came looking for a new life, not just to open up a takeaway like many these days but to fill in jobs of Police Officers, Fire Fighters and Lawyers. What ended up happening was very different. As soon as we arrived at Paralake we arrived to hatred and gangs. There were less jobs than at home, we resulted to violence, showing brutality to get into gangs, murdering innocents to impress our hierarchy. What you need to understand is we needed to, to eat. To feed our families. It was a dusty morning, when we were awoken by the sound of sirens. One of the gang members were bribed by the police, we looked around to find all of the natives gone.They set us up. Before we knew it we were locked in cells, given nothing but rice and beans and 10 years later, we write this. No longer shall we be fucked around. We are the Dragons!

- A strong persona
- Will-power to take measures out of the ordinary to help allies and your gang.
- Fast thinking in case of emergency
- Some money for clothing ect...
- We recommend you have been in other organisations before (not necessary though...)

Sign Me Up!

The more deeds you complete, the harder you fight the more respected you become.
Master Dragon: Shu Hao - @shaun
Dragon Council - Jim Xivouria - @mattismadforcod
Administrator - Yan Xun - @Baramin
Foot Soliders - Khang Xun
- Chen Jiang
- Kang Nuo
- Anonymous Allies

We wear all black, to blend in with the rest and to look Smart.
"The mind is everything. What you think you become" - Bhudda

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